A few weeks ago I received another wonderful package from my poupée friend
Gillanek. Inside this package were delectable Polish sweets, dazzling jewelry, fabulous cosmetics, and a few lovely surprises.
Tofinekのキャラメルウエハース、Delfina P. チョコレートとワイルドストロベリーのルースリーフのお茶です。日本でオランダのウエハースを見付けましたが、Tofinekの様な美味しいシナモン風味ではありませんでした。Delfina P.チョコレートの名前の由来は、美しさと聡明さで有名だったポーランドの
Tofinek caramel wafers, Delfina P. chocolate, and loose-leaf tea with wild strawberries. Although I have found the Dutch version of these wafers in Japan, they do not have the delicious cinnamon-like flavor that the Tofinek wafers have. The Delfina P. chocolate is named after Polish
Countess Potocka, famed for her beauty and intellect. (She was also a muse to Chopin and some suspect they may have been lovers.) The loose-leaf tea is a sweet herbal tea with the slightly tart aftertaste of wild strawberries.
Hot』です。Gillanekちゃんは親切にもポーランド語を英訳したものを入れてくれました。雑誌のカバーでモデルさんが着ているゴージャスなドレスはC.M. Nadarzynの物で、カラフルなネックレスは
This is the Polish fashion and shopping magazine
Hot. Gillanek was kind enough to include English translations of many of the articles. The gorgeous dress the model is wearing on the cover is a C.M. Nadarzyn design and the colorful necklace is from
MaknaDesign. Just exquisite!
Beauty content also fills some of the pages of Hot and there are some nice editorial shots, as well.
Haiku Fristajl(俳句フリースタイル)というバンドの"Kazik na Wakacje" (夏休みのカジック君) というシングルCDで、メンバーの一人で有名なジャズボーカリストの
Sojkaさんのサインが入っています。Haiku Fristajlは、ポーランド語に加えて日本語で俳句を詠んでおり、とてもモダンなサウンドを奏でています。
This is an autographed copy of "Kazik na Wakacje" (夏休みのカジック君) by
Haiku Fristajl (Haiku Freestyle) signed by one of the members of the band, renown jazz vocalist
Sojka. Haiku Fristajl actually sings their haikus in Japanese in addition to Polish, and have a very modern sound.
Peeling gel from body and hair care brand Joanna's Naturia line. It smells like a juicy, ripe tangerine.
このハンドメイド ブレスレットはポーランドの海で採取された琥珀で作られています。日光が当たった時の輝きは、本当に素晴らしいです。ピアスはワルシャワのGaleria Centrumのピアスです。これは前にGillanekから頂いた
This is a handmade bracelet with Polish ambers from the sea. The way the amber beads glow in the sunlight is absolutely stunning. The earrings are from Galeria Centrum in Warsaw. They have the same lovely antique-like design as the
earrings with the purple stones that Gillanek last sent me.
Jokoコスメティックスのプレスド アイシャドウ デュオのJ208です。このスモーキーなスモモ色と薄いパープルピンクのシャドウは発色が良く、美しいパール感があります。
Pressed eye shadow duo in J208 from Joko cosmetics. The smokey plum and pale purple-pink shadows are well-pigmented and have a beautiful pearl finish.
InglotのM3 アイシャドウは温かみのあるアースカラーで夏にピッタリです。このシャドウは琥珀のブレスレットとGaleria Centrumのピアスにもマッチします。
Inglot's M3 eye shadow in warm, earthy colors perfect for the summer season. They also match the amber bracelet and Galeria Centrum earrings.
Lastly, a cross-stitched birthday card hand made by the amazing Gillanek. It is so lovely it should be framed.
Gillanekちゃんが私たちのプーペで作ったプペクラ(プーペガールのプリクラ): Gillanek (右)、En(左)
A pupekura (poupee girl purikura) Gillanek made with our poupee girls: Gillanek (Right), En (Left) Gillanekちゃん、素敵で心のこもった贈り物をありがとう!そして素敵な友情をありがとう♡
Thank you again, Gillanek, for such delightful and heart felt gifts. And thank you for your wonderful friendship!