Thursday, 14 January 2010
SUQQU 雪華 Christmas Makeup Kit A
スックの「雪華」クリスマス メイクアップ キットA はジルスチュアートのスウィートネス コレクションほど多くの商品を含んではいませんが、雪華のその洒落たデザイン、品質、そして耐久性から、今シーズンのお気に入りのコフレです。このコフレは限定のブレンドアイシャドウ EX-06 舞雪、アイルーセント EX-03 雪霞、そしてスックのオリジナルポーチを含んでいます。
SUQQU's "Yukihana" Christmas Makeup Kit A may not offer as many products as the Jill Stuart Sweetness Collection but the sleek design, quality, and wearability of Yukihana makes it my favourite coffret of the season. The coffret includes a limited edition Blend Eyeshadow palette in EX-06 Maiyuki, a limited edition Eye Lucent in EX-03 Yukigasumi and a SUQQU original pouch.
The original pouch is a simple but sophisticated shiny brown pouch with pockets for small-size brushes, lipstick or gloss. It is the perfect travel companion.
ブレンドアイシャドウのEX-06 舞雪は4色で、シアーでキラキラしたピンクベージュ(目元全体用の"ライトカラー")、発色の良いダークブラウン(目の際に付ける"キーカラー")、パールのようなオフホワイト/ベージュ(まぶた全体に使用する"アイシャドウベース")、そしてかなり発色が良く、チラチラ光るブラウン(自然なグラデーションを作り出す、キーカラーとライトカラーの中間の"エンハンサー")です。全ての色にはホワイトパールが含まれています。また、ブレンドアイシャドウにはアイシャドウブラシと両面使用出来るスポンジチップが付いています。パウダーはかなりソフトでブレンドしやすいので、この舞雪は昼でも夜でも使えます。昼にはシアーなリップかミルキーなグロスと一緒にシャドウを使い、夜にはスモーキーアイにボールドなリップカラーを試してみて下さい。ブラウン色はブラウンとヘーゼル色の目を特により際立ててくれます。
The Blend Eyeshadow in EX-06 Maiyuki contains four shades: a sheer and shimmery pink-beige (a "Light Color" for the entire eye socket area), a well-pigmented dark brown (the "Key Color" to apply along the edge of the eyelid), a pearly off-white/beige (an "Eyeshadow Base" to be applied to the whole eyelid), and a fairly-pigmented, glimmering brown (an "Enhancer" to create a natural gradation between the Key Color and Light Color). All of the shades contain white pearls. The Blend Eyeshadow also comes with a brush and a double-sided sponge-tip. The powders are quite soft and blend well and Maiyuki can be used for both day and night. Try pairing the shadows with a sheer lipstick or milky gloss for day and go for a smokey-eye and bold lip color for night. The brown shades are particularly great at enhancing brown and hazel eyes.
SUQQU describes the Eye Lucent in ex-03 Yukigasumi as a "subtle and radiant shimmer like snow to your eyes" and I think that is a fairly accurate description. The frosty, pale-pink eyeshadow goes on completely sheer but leaves a subtle but pretty white sparkle on the skin. The texture is so thin and smooth and the shimmer so fine that the shadow instantly melts into the skin as soon as it is applied. Yukigasumi works well as a highlighter under the eyes and I personally like to use it on the area right above my lid. Eye Lucent also contains a sifter to keep you from spilling out too much powder and a small puff to apply the shadow.
この 「雪華」クリスマス メイクアップ キットAには3つの商品しか含まれていないので少々高額なようにも感じられますが、これに含まれている商品はそれぞれが非常に高品質で有用性・耐久性に優れています。クリスマスコフレが発売されて以来、外出する時は大抵ブレンドシャドウの舞雪とアイルーセントの雪霞を付けて出掛けています。価格は8,400円(税込み)です。
Though the coffret may seem a bit expensive considering that it only contains 3 different products, each product in SUQQU's Yukihana Christmas Make up Kit A is top-quality and very usable and wearable. Ever since the Christmas coffret was released, I have been wearing the Blend Shadow in Maiyuki and the Eye Lucent in Yukigasumi almost every time I step outside. 8,400 yen (including tax).
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OMG! This set look soo~ lovely, dear! Espesially eyeshadows <3
this set looks excellent! i love sleek packagings!...
The coffret is so lovely! The items look so much prettier in real life than on the website. :D
thanks for sharing this hun! i have yet to try SUQQU. :)
Hi Utoshi,
The eyeshadows are a lot prettier than I expected and very useful, too. Thank you for visiting.
SUQQU's packaging may be simple but it always seems to be very sleek and sophisticated. Thank you for commenting.
Thank you for commenting. Yes, the eyeshadows look matte and a bit dull on the website and you cannot even tell what the eye lucent is. I wonder if this affected SUQQU's sales.
SUQQU is an excellent brand in terms of quality. Their products are expensive but very practical and long-lasting. Thank you for dropping by.
I fell in love with the Eye Lucent, sounds amazing.
And looks like a good set, with just the necesary.
Kisses en, welcome back!
Hi Melissa,
Thank you for welcoming back. It's really amazing how the eye lucent just melts into your skin.
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