Friday, 2 October 2009
The Body Shop Blush Trio in 01 Cool Dusk
プレシャスパールセントコレクションとして、ザ・ボディショップは2種類のベイクド・ミネラル ブラッシュトリオを発売しました。01クールダスクはピンクでクールトsーンの3色パレットで、02ウォームサンセットはウォームトーンの3色パレットです。アイトリオシャドウの様に、ブラッシュトリオパウダーは滑らかで肌に馴染みやすく、ゴージャスなパール感のある仕上がりになります。ボディショップによると01クールダスクは明るい~普通の肌、02ウォームサンセットは普通~暗い肌に適しているらしいですが、混ぜ合わせる色によってブラッシュの濃さを調節出来ます。01クールダスクの一番暗い色は私の肌には赤過ぎたので、ほんのり日焼けしたようなチークに見せるために、他の明るめの2色を使います。ブラッシュトリオの不満な点は、各色の量が均一ではなく、私のパレットには私がほとんど使えない濃い色が多く、明るめの色はほんの少ししか入っていなかった点です。それでも、私が購入したボディショップで最も明るい色が入っている01クールダスクを選んだのですが、、でもそれ以外の点には非常に満足しています。日本のボディショップで売られているブラッシュトリオは1つ2,625円(税込み)です。もしブラッシュトリオを付けるためのブラシを探しているのでしたら、ボディショップで売っている非常に質が良くて動物の毛を使用していないファイス&ボディブラシの購入を強くお勧めします。
For their Precious Pearlescent collection, The Body Shop released two baked-mineral Blush Trios. 01 Cool Dusk is a pink, cool-toned palette of three shades while the equally beautiful 02 Warm Sunset consists of three warm shades. Like the Eye Trio shadows, the Blush Trio powders are satiny smooth and blend right into the skin, leaving a gorgeous pearly finish. The Body Shop recommends 01 Cool Dusk for fair to medium skin and 02 Warm Sunset for medium to dark skin but you can control the intensity of the blush by what shades you choose to mix together. I find that the darkest shade in 01 Cool Dusk to be much to red for my skin so I stick to using the two lighter shades to create a sun-kissed look on my cheeks. The only complaint I have regarding the Blush Trio is that there is not an equal amount of each shade and my palette contains very little of the lightest shade but a lot of the deepest shade which I cannot use. While at The Body Shop, I even picked out the 01 Cool Dusk palette that had the most of the lightest shade. Other than that, however, I am very happy with the palette. The Blush Trios sold at The Body Shop stores in Japan are 2,625 yen (including tax). If you are looking for a cheek brush to apply the Blush Trio, I highly recommend purchasing the high quality and cruelty-free Face and Body Brush from The Body Shop.
mineral makeup,
point makeup,
sensitive skin,
the body shop
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Thx for the review! :D I am considering buying this product :D Tho I dun really like dark rosy tones...
You're right about thta. When I saw it for first time, I tought it was just two colors.
Anyway looks very beautifull.
great review.
KIsses En! Thanks for your comment.
Hi Shilka,
Thank you for stopping by. If you do decide to buy the blush, I highly recommending checking out each palette at the store to find the one with the least amount of the darkest shade. Just judging by the photos on your blog (which is really really wonderful, by the way), I think the deepest shade might be too red for your skin.
It's interesting because the Body Shop website makes it look as though there is an even amount of each shade but none of the palettes I checked looked like that. At least the blush is quite large so I probably won't run out of the lighter colors.
Thank you again for your comments, Melissa.
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