Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Elizabeth Maxi BonBon リップグロス
最近、エリザベスのボンボンブランドのリップグロスを買いました。ボンボンブランドは職場に適したメイクを探しているOLやキャリアウーマンをターゲットにしたコスメラインです。マキシボンボンリップグロス&トリートメントは無香料のエモリエント成分配合のグロスで、唇に潤い、ハリ・ツヤ、ボリュームを与えてくれます。そのまま単独で使ったり他のリップカラーの上or下に使うことも出来て、1 クリアーと2 ピュアピンクの2色があります。グロスの成分にはパルミトイルオリゴペプチド(老化を防ぐコラーゲンとエラスチンの分泌を促進させるアミノ酸由来のペプチド)、ミネラルオイル、ローヤルゼリーエキス、ホホバ油、アボカド油が配合されています。
I recently purchased a lip gloss from Elizabeth's Bon Bon brand which is a cosmetics line that targets OL's and career women searching for work-appropriate makeup. The Maxi Bon Bon lip gloss and treatment is a fragrance-free, emollient gloss that is supposed to provide moisture, shine and volume to the lips. It can be worn alone or over/under another lip color and comes in two shades: 1 Clear and 2 Pure Pink. The gloss ingredients include palmitoyl oligopeptide (an amino-peptide that stimulates collagen and elastin to combat aging), mineral oil, royal jelly extract, and jojoba and avocado oil.
Maxi Bon Bon in 2 has a slight pink tint that turns up clear on my lips. The applicator is a short brush rather than the typical gloss sponge and the essence itself is quite heavy but not sticky. Though I am not sure that you could replace your regular lip cream with the Maxi gloss, its moisturizing and hydrating properties are similar to petroleum jelly-type creams and makes lips look extra plump and shiny. If you are looking to add greater shine and long-lasting power to your lip color, I highly recommend applying the gloss over your lipstick. If you want extra-juicy, milky lips, apply the gloss under a separate lip gloss color. It does a wonderful job of preventing gloss pigment from seeping into the cracks and wrinkles of your lips. Maxi Bon Bon is 840 yen (including tax). Though I do not think it is a must-have item, I do think the gloss is quite useful and may buy it again.
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Like I post on your pupe, I'll use them over my regular lipstick. I like how it sound and how it look.
Thank you for commenting. It really does seem to work well as a base/top layer and treatment at the same time.
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