Tuesday, 28 July 2009

ウクライナからの贈り物 A Package from Ukraine

先月、私の素敵なプーペ友達のUtoshiちゃんが日本では買うことの出来ない、東欧(だと思います)のコスメが入った小包を送ってくれました。ラベルは全てロシア語で書かれていますので詳細は語れませんが、どれもとても素敵で可愛いです。私のお気に入りの一つは、左の写真のルビーローズ キャンディーグロスです。日本のクレープ屋さんのような甘くて美味しい香りで、まるでキャンディーのように霜が降りたような、粉砂糖をまぶしたような感じにしてくれます。

Last month, my wonderful poupee friend Utoshi sent me a package of Eastern European (I think) cosmetics not available in Japan. Their labels are in Russian so I cannot tell you all that much about them except that they are all very lovely and adorable. One of my favourite items is the Ruby Rose Candy Gloss seen here on the left. It has a sweet, delicious scent like the crêpe stands in Tokyo and leaves your lips looking frosty and sugary, just like a piece of candy.

Ruby Rose Double-Stick Eyeshadow and Liner in Pink Opal and Rich Black

Ruby Rose Double-Stick Eyeshadow and Liner in Grape Soda and Pearl White


The Double-Stick shadows and liners glide on smoothly and leave a pretty, pearly sheen.

Ruby Rose Liquid Lipstick in 09


The Ruby Rose Liquid Lipstick is a berry-scented, highly-pigmented lipgloss with great lasting-power. I was surprised just how little of the gloss had worn off hours after I had applied it. For more sparkly lips, you can add more shimmer with the gloss on the other end of the product.

Malva Grape Lip Gel with Vitamin E


This sheer gloss has a wonderful grape-smell and lasts a very long time. It is not sticky at all and does a wonderful job of moisturizing the lips.

Bronze Lion Cosmetics Charima Pearl Violet Magic mascara


While most purple mascaras fail to bring any color to dark lashes, Pearl Violet Magic actually delivers. It makes lashes look deep, metallic purple with a hint of shimmer.

FlorMar True Color Glitter Eyeliner

小さくて短いブラシはリキッッドライナーを付けやすくしてくれます。このライナーは水面の輝きのような美しくて薄い青色です。マジデコのフェアリーアイズCerulean Sprayよりも薄く、日常生活に適しています。

The small, short-bristled brush makes it easy to apply the liquid eyeliner. The liner is a beautiful, light blue that sparkles like light on water. It is more subtle than the Magie Deco Cerulean Spray Fairy Eyes and more day-appropriate.

Etual eyeshadow in purple shades

These shadows are very soft, quite fine, and have a nice shimmer.

Etual eyeshadow case


The red and black, poppy-design case contains a mirror and can hold up to three Etual brand eyeshadows. It is one of my favourite eyeshadow cases/compacts.

For a more detailed description of these products, please visit my poupee closet.

Thank you, Utoshi!

Monday, 27 July 2009

Addiction & Stila News


I passed the Addiction counter in the Shinjuku Isetan last week. Since I was in a hurry, I did not have time to check things out but there was a long line of women waiting to get their hands some new products. Addiction is like a Japanese NARS deep, bold and often matte colors. SPUR's latest issue takes a close look at the brand and they also had an in-depth interview with the creator in their previous issue. I hope to get my hands on some of Addiction's black shadows and red red lipsticks.


Stila counters in Tokyo recently reordered some of their limited edition Barbie items so if you were unable to purchase their shimmering powders or eye mousse pots before, now is your chance.


Some people have been using images and text from my blog and passing them off on their own. If any of you could recommend a (free) watermarking program, I would really appreciate it.


Please please credit your sources and don't plagiarize. It actually takes a lot of time to buy products, take and upload photos, and write and translate reviews. Sometimes, it takes hours to research ingredients and find the correct Japanese or English translations. You cannot just look up lot of these industry-specific, scientific terms in Japanese-English/English-Japanese dictionaries. It is very discouraging to find blogs posting your images of products you purchased and using your translations without even mentioning that they got them from your site.


If you are not going to give credit, have some integrity and write your own material, purchase your own products, and take your own photos. It might not be easy at first but you will eventually get the hang of it and you can always ask for help.

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Etude House Aqua Sherbet Ice Toner

エチュードハウスアクアシャーベット アイストナーは日本のファッション・美容の雑誌から注目を浴びています。トナーの有効成分にはグレープフルーツとアラスカのミネラル豊富な氷河水が含まれていますが、これは典型的な温泉水・氷河水スプレーとは違います。多くのエア噴射式トナーはミスト状のミネラルウォーターをスプレーしますが、アイストナーからは結晶化されたミネラルウォーターのフォームがシューシュー音を立てて溶け、ひんやり冷たいトナーになります。トナーは液状になって出て来ないので、コットンなどにスプレーしてから顔や首に使います。氷ほどは冷たくないですが、このトナーは普通のミネラルウォータースプレーよりもひんやりし、エクササイズの後や暑い日に使うと、とても良く肌を落ち着かせてくれます。でも、このトナーは私の肌を乾燥させたので涼しい季節ではあまり良い効果を得られないかもしれません。これはトナーというよりはコールドスプレーという感じで、必携品とまではいかないと思います。私が使っているアベンヌのサーマルスプリングウォータースプレーからアクアシャーベット アイストナーへ切り替えるつもりはありませんが、このトナーはこれからもエクササイズの後のクールダウン用に使おうと思います。アクアシャーベット アイストナーは韓国のエチュードハウスで9,000ウォンでしたが、多くのオンラインストアでは定価の2倍、時には3倍の値段で販売されています。

Etude House's Aqua Sherbet Ice Toner has received quite a bit of attention from Japanese fashion and beauty magazines. Although the toner's active ingredients include grapefruit and mineral rich glacial water from Alaska, it is is not your typical thermal or glacial water spray. While most aerosol-can toners spray a mist of mineral water, what comes out of the Ice Toner is a crystallized form of the mineral water that then sizzles and melts into an ice-cold toner. Because the toner does not come out in liquid form, the solution should be sprayed onto a cotton pad that you should then apply to your face and neck. Though not quite as cold as ice, the toner is much cooler than the average mineral water spray and I find it very soothing after exercising or a day in hot weather. However, the toner also dries out my skin and I do not think this product would work well for anyone during the colder seasons. It is much more of a cold spray than an actual toner and I would not consider it a must-have product. Although I do not plan to replace my Avene Thermal Spring Water spray with the Aqua Sherbet Ice Toner, I intend to continue to use the toner on my neck and body after exercise to help cool down. The Aqua Sherbet Ice Toner is 9000 won at Etude House in Korea but many online vendors are selling it for double and in some cases, triple the original place.


This is my last post on Korean beauty products this week. If you are interested in some of the non-beauty-related items I purchased in Korea, check my poupee page (click on the anime girl to your right). Next time, I will begin reviewing some European makeup products.

Monday, 13 July 2009

The Face Shop Wash Off Yogurt Mask

ヨーグルトパック ウォッシュオフタイプはソウルのThe Face Shopで購入した商品です。このヨーグルトマスクは4枚セットで4つのフレーバー(ストロベリー、キウイ、グレープ、グレープフルーツ)が売られています。私はキウイとグレープのマスクを買いました。私は比較的The Face Shopのシートマスクはよく知っていますが、このブランドのウォッシュオフタイプのマスクを使うのは初めてでした。グレープのヨーグルトマスクにはグレープの成分が含まれていて、The Face Shopによると肌に潤いを与え、柔らかくしてくれるそうです。このマスクにはミネラルオイル、アルコール、香料も含まれていますので、敏感肌の方にはヒリヒリするかもしれません(原料の詳細リストはWalgreensのサイトを参照)。マスクは洗顔後のキレイな肌に使用し、5~10分後にお湯で洗い流します。

The Wash Off Yogurt Mask Pack is another beauty product I bought at The Face Shop in Seoul. The yogurt masks are sold in packs of 4 masks and come in four different "flavors": Strawberry, Kiwi, Grape, and Grape Fruit. I purchased the Kiwi and Grape Masks. Although I am quite familiar with The Face Shop's sheet masks, this was my first time using a wash-off type mask from the brand. The grape yogurt mask contains grape extract which, according to The Face Shop, moisturizes and softens the skin. The mask also contains mineral oil, alcohol, and fragrance, all of which can irritate sensitive skin. (For a detailed list of the ingredients, visit Walgreens' site.) The yogurt mask should be applied to a clean face and washed off with warm water after 5-10 minutes.

ヨーグルトマスクは濃くてベト付くのではないかと思っていましたが、意外と薄めの質感で全くベト付きませんでした。それぞれのマスクが入った容器は小さいですが、顔全体と首を覆うのには充分過ぎる程のヨーグルトが入っていました。マスクは洗い流すのも簡単で、肌を瑞々しく柔らかく保ってくれました。肌を刺激する成分がいくつか入っているのにもかかわらず、マスクを外した後には少しのベタ付きとチクチクする程度の痛みだけが残り、およそ1時間後くらいにはその両方とも無くなりました。The Face Shopのヨーグルトマスクはシートマスクよりも乾燥肌や敏感肌の方に適していると思いますが、一方でオイリーな肌の方にはヨーグルトマスクよりもシートマスクの方が適していると思います。シートマスクは敏感肌の方には乾燥したりヒリヒリしたりするかもしれませんが、ヨーグルトマスクの質感と成分はThe Face Shopの他のマスクよりも肌を落ち着かせて水分を保ってくれると思います。でも、このウォッシュオフタイプのヨーグルトマスクは、秋や冬といった季節には最適だと思いますが、暖かい季節にはちょっと重た過ぎると思います。正確な価格は覚えていないのですが、4枚入りのセットで4000ウォン(300円)くらいだったと思います。

I was expecting the yogurt mask to be thick and sticky but it was surprisingly somewhat thin in texture and not sticky (on application) at all. Even though the individual mask cartons appear small, there was more than enough yogurt to cover my entire face and neck. The mask also washed off easily, leaving my skin quite hydrated and soft. Despite some of the irritating ingredients in its formula, I found that I only experienced a little bit of stickiness and a prickly sensation after removing the mask, both of which disappeared an hour or so later. I think The Face Shop's yogurt mask suits dry and sensitive skin types better than the sheet masks while the opposite probably holds true for those with oily skin. Sheet masks can be quite drying and irritating if you have sensitive skin and I think the texture and formula of the yogurt mask is much more soothing and moisturizing than The Face Shop's other masks. Given that it is a yogurt mask, however, the Wash Off Yogurt Mask Pack probably works best during the fall and winter and might be too heavy for some during the warmer seasons. I do not remember the exact price but one pack of 4 cost around 4000 won.

Thursday, 9 July 2009

SkinFood Cappuccino Scrub Body Wash

スキンフードカプチーノ スクラブボディウォッシュはあまり期待せずに買った物でしたが、実際に使ったところとても素晴らしい物でした。ボディソープの名前に“カプチーノ“とありますが、全くカプチーノっぽさはありません。コーヒー、ヘーゼルナッツ、バニラが混ざり合ったような香りがあり、スキンフードのウェブサイトによれば、天然のハチミツと砂糖の成分が入っているようです。スキンフードが何故カプチーノという名前を商品に付けたのかは分かりませんが、それ以外に特に不満な点はありません。ボディウォッシュは泡立ちがよく、コスタ・リカ産のコーヒー成分が入ったソープは角質除去ビーズの役割を果たし、肌を滑らかにしてくれます。このボディウォッシュを使った後、シャワーから出ると私の肌が明らかに滑らかになっていると感じました。また、他のボディウォッシュを使った時ほど肌が乾燥せず(LUSHのココ夏ホリデーを除いて)、香りも良いです。実のところ、カプチーノ スクラブボディウォッシュは肌の引き締めとアンチエイジングに効果がある商品ということですが、その点に関してはちょっと疑問があります。でも、普通のボディウォッシュとしては、このスクラブボディウォッシュは非常に良いと思います。

Skin Food's Cappuccino Scrub Body Wash was product I purchased with low expectations that actually turned out to be great. Although the body soap has "cappuccino" in its name, there is nothing cappuccino-like about it. It smells of a mixture of coffee, hazelnut and vanilla and according to Skin Food's website, contains natural honey and sugar ingredients. I am not sure why Skin Food chose to call the body soap a cappuccino wash but other than that, I have no complaints. The wash works up a nice foamy lather and the Costa Rican coffee grounds act as exfoliating beads that smooth out the skin. I felt very clean after using the scrub and my skin was noticeably smoother after I got out of the shower. My skin was also not as dry as it usually gets when using other body washes (with the exception of LUSH's Big Calm Shower Jelly) and smelled rather nice. Apparently, the Cappuccino Scrub Body Wash is supposed to work as a slimming and anti-aging product and I am a bit skeptical about those claims, but as a regular body wash, I think that Skin Food's body scrub works quite well.

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Missha Hot Burning Body Gel


Missha's Hot Burning Body Gel is another beauty product I purchased in Seoul that I had not seen in the Missha stores in Japan (although it is available at the Missha Japan online store.) Hot Burning Body Gel is a cellulite-fighting, firming gel that can be used to reshape the body. It contains pepper and bitter orange extract, green tea, caffeine, as well as menthol and peppermint oil. Although I am not quite at the age where I need to worry about cellulite, I am concerned about what will happen to my body as I age. Due to the pepper extract and menthol in its formula, Hot Burning Body Gel really does feel like your skin is on fire when it is applied. It is more of an uncomfortable than painful sensation. It does not take long for the gel to be absorbed into the skin and it does temporarily firm the area where it has been absorbed. Research has shown that cellulite "eliminating" products do little to help combat cellulite in the long term and the best way to prevent cellulite and sagging skin is to regularly exercise. But I am pleased enough with Hot Burning's temporary firming effects to use it every night in addition to exercising everyday. (The bitter orange smell is too strong to use it during the day). While most cellulite creams, even the drugstore variety, are on the expensive side, Hot Burning Body Gel only cost me 9000 won (about 650 yen) for a whole 200ml which is quite a steal.

Monday, 6 July 2009

Dr. Jart Whitening Water Drop

Dr. Jartホワイトニング ウォータードロップはブログ読者のNsさんに紹介して頂いた保湿クリームです。Dr. Jartは韓国の高級コスメブランドで、そのユニークな保湿クリームだけでなく、高品質のBBクリームを扱っていることでもよく知られています。この企業は国内の皮膚科、美容形成外科などの専門医たちによって数年前に設立され、全ての製品は無着色・無香料なので、全てのスキンタイプに優しい物になっています。ホワイトニング ウォータードロップはマルチアクションの保湿液で、美白効果、保湿効果を与え肌をスムーズにします。成分にはアルブチン、センテラ来リポソーム、ヒアルロン酸、ビタミンC、ビタミンKとキネチンがあります。無添加なのですが、ヴァーベナの香りがします。ウォータードロップを使って顔をマッサージするとクリームは小さな水滴に変化して、すぐに顔を冷やしてくれます。この水滴は肌に薄い膜を作り出し、お肌に水分を閉じ込めて一日中顔に潤いを与えてくれます。BBクリームを使っている方にとって、このウォータードロップはBBクリームのベースとして使えると思います。

Dr Jart's Whitening Water Drop is a moisturizer that was recommended to me by the lovely reader Ns. Dr Jart is a high-end Korean cosmetics brand well known not only for their very unique moisturizer but also for their high quality B.B creams. The young company was formed by specialists in the field of dermatology and cosmetic surgery and all of the brand's products are free of fragrances and dyes, so that they are friendly to all skin types. Whitening Water Drop is a multi-action moisturizer that is supposed to whiten, moisturize and soothe the skin. It contains, arbutin, centella liposome, hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and kinetin. Although the product is fragrance-free, it smells a bit like verbena. When you massage Water Drop into your skin, the cream transforms into small droplets of water that immediately cool your face. The water drops are supposed to form a thin film on your skin to lock in moisture and keep your face hydrated all day. For those who use B.B creams, Water Drop can be used as a base to your B.B cream.

美白効果については語ることは出来ませんが、ウォータードロップは私の肌の紅潮を抑えてくれます。ミネラルウォータースプレーは一時的に顔の紅潮を抑えてくれますが、Dr. Jartのウォータードロップは冷却効果がとても長く残ります。ウォータードロップは暑い日やシャワーの後などの肌を落ち着かせて赤みを抑えてくれます。私はロザケアと酷い乾燥肌をもっているので、その他に保湿液(ファンケルのミルキーローション)を使っていますが、ウォータードロップを使うことによってそのミルキーローションの効果が更に良くなったと思います。ウォータードロップを先につけた後にミルキーローションをつけても、そのローションの保湿効果を閉じ込めて、私の顔を長時間にわたって冷やしてくれました。これはちょっとした暑さでも赤くなってしまうロザケアに悩む方々には非常に重要です。現在、私の頬はこの非常に蒸し暑い東京の気候においても、以前ほどは赤くなっていません。

I cannot speak to the whitening effects of the cream but I can say that Water Drop has greatly helped my flushing. Although mineral water sprays do a nice job of providing some temporary relief for flushing, the cooling effect of Dr Jart's moisturizing solution lasts much longer. The water drops soothe my skin and lessen the redness I experience after a shower or warm day. Because I have rosacea and such dry skin, I still use a separate moisturizer (FANCL's Milky Lotion) over the cream but I find that Water Drop has improved the effectiveness of Milky Lotion. It actually locks in the moisture from the lotion, even though I apply it if before I put on Milky Lotion, and keeps my face cool for hours. This is extremely important for rosaceans as even a little bit of heat can do a number on our faces. Now, my cheeks are not as red as they usually get despite the very humid weather we have been experiencing here in Tokyo

Dr Jartの商品は韓国のデパートやビューティーブティックで販売されており、アメリカの顧客のためにオンラインストアもあります。私は韓国のロッテデパートでホワイトニングウォータードロップを買いました。ロッテ免税店では3、5、7つずつをセット売りして、1つずつ買うよりも少し安い値段で売っていました。 1つだけでなく、そういったセットで買えば良かったなぁと思いました。次に韓国へ行ったら、もっとたくさん買って来ようと思います。

Dr Jart products are sold in department stores and beauty boutiques across South Korea and the brand even has an online store for US customers. I purchased Whitening Water Drop at the main Lotte Department store. The duty-free section of the store is actually selling packs of 3, 5 and (I think) 7 tubes of the moisturizer at a discounted price. I really wish I had opted for one of the sets instead of buying just one tube but I'll remember to get more the next time I'm in Korea.


Thank you, Ns!

Saturday, 4 July 2009

Beauty News お知らせ



スティラが日本から撤退します。8月末にスティラのカウンターが全国のデパートから無くなります。スティラジャパンのオンラインストアは既に閉鎖されました。バービーフェイス シマーパウダーをあと2つ買えばよかったです。


Beauty reviews of Korean cosmetic products will continue into next week. Today, I would like to share some really great news and some very disappointing news.

The wonderful news:
On the 27th of this month, Yojiya will be opening a (permanent!) store in Hotel Okura Tokyo. The traditional Japanese cosmetics company has also started selling Maccha (green-tea) oil-blotting paper. You can purchase the blotting paper online. This is a seasonal item only available for a limited time.

The extremely sad news:

Stila is leaving Japan. Stila counters will disappear from Japanese department stores by the end of August and the Stila Japan online store has already shut down. I really wish I had ordered two Barbie Face Shimmer Powders. sob

Well, I have lots of new products to review, including new Benefit fragrances, Alima Pure samples, a new Lipstick Queen lip color and more.

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Etude House Hand Bouquet Rich Butter Mask


Etude House is one of, if not the most, popular cosmetics brands in Korea, with several locations across Asia. Unfortunately, there is no Etude House in Japan at this time but the company has started up a Japanese website and hopefully, this means that we will be seeing the brand in Tokyo very soon.

ほとんどの韓国のコスメブランドがそれぞれ独自のフェイスシートマスクを販売しているのに対し、エチュードハウスは恐らく手のシートマスクを扱っている唯一のブランドだと思います。今年の1月に、メイクアップアーティストのIKKOさんが、人気のあるビューティーTV番組の「おネエ★MANS」でハンドブーケ リッチバターマスクを紹介しました。このマスクにはシアバター、高い保水力を持つ炭水化物のトレハロース、そしてオリーブオイルとアロエエキスが入っています。残念ながら、このマスクは肌を刺激することでよく知られるミネラルオイル、香料、フェノキエタノールを含んでいます。

While most Korean cosmetics brands offer their own facial sheet masks, Etude House may be the only brand that carries sheet masks for the hands. Back in January, makeup artist Ikko-san introduced the Hand Bouquet in Rich Butter Mask on the popular beauty TV program, "Onē★Mans." The mask ingredients include shea butter, the moisture-retaining carbohydrate trehalose, and olive and aloe extract. Unfortunately, the mask also contains mineral oil, perfume and phenoxyethanol, which are all known skin irritants.


Before using the mask, make sure your hands are clean. Slip on the sheet mask and put on the plastic gloves to keep the butter extract from getting all over the place. The plastic gloves will also help speed up the (skin permeation) process. Once the gloves are on, massage your hands and apply pressure to the accupoints as directed on the hand mask package. After 15-20 minutes, remove the mask and rub any remaining solution into your skin. Although the mask indicates that massaging the pressure points right below your thumb and near your wrist will help with your "sniffles," I did a little research and found out that area is actually associated with the lymph glands and lung and chest area in traditional Chinese medicine. By "sniffles," I think Etude House is actually referring to nasal decongestion and not curing a runny nose. "Sniffles" is very cute way to refer to sinus problems, however, and cute is very Etude House.

やはり、マスクは私のアトピーの手を刺激し、マスクのエキスを洗い流した後もしばらくひりひりしました。もう片方の手はアトピーではないのでとてもスムーズで柔らかくなりました。シアバターがとても保湿効果がありましたが、普通のシアバターよりも油っこくなく、エキスもベトベトしませんでした。もうひとつのハンドブーケのマスクにリッチコラーゲンがありますが、そちらは後ほどレビューします。今のところは、左手だけにリッチバターを使っています。シートマスクや韓国のコスメに興味がある人には、ハンドブーケ リッチバターをオススメします。でも、手にアトピーや問題がある方は使用を控えた方が良いかもしれません。マスクは1セットで2000ウォンです。エチュードハウスは同じように足のためのシートマスクを販売しています。

Unsurprisingly, the mask irritated my eczematic hand and my right hand stung long after washing off any remaining essence. On the other "hand," my eczema-free hand was very smooth and soft after using the mask. The shea butter was very moisturizing but not as oily as it can often get and the extract was not sticky, either. There is another Hand Bouquet mask, Rich Collagen, which I also purchased and will review sometime later. For now, I will be using Rich Butter only on my left hand. For anyone interested in sheet masks or Korean cosmetics in general, I highly recommend trying out Hand Bouquet Rich Butter. But anyone suffering from skin dermatitis on their hands should probably avoid the masks. One mask set for both hands costs 2000 won. Etude House also carries a similar sheet mask for the feet.
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