Wednesday 8 April 2009

ちふれ 美容液 Sheet Mask N

ちふれの美容液シートマスクNは肌に潤いを与える物で、アルコールフリー無香料・無着色なので乾燥肌や敏感肌の方に良いです。ヒアルロン酸とトレハロースという高い保水力を持つグルコースと酸化防止剤 です。洗顔と美容液を付けた後にマスクを密着し、10分後にはずします。残った美容液は肌に馴染ませます。メイクする前や乳液・クリームを付ける前に使えます。

Chifure's Biyoueki Sheet Mask N is a mask to hydrate the skin and ideal for dry and/or sensitive skin types. It is alcohol-free, fragrance-free and free of artificial dyes. It contains hyaluronic acid and trehalose, a sugar and antioxidant with high water retention capabilities. After washing your face and applying a toner, the mask is worn for ten minutes and any extract left on the face should be gently massaged into the skin. It can be worn right before you put on your makeup or right before you apply your skincare lotion or cream.


Mask N is somewhat smaller than the average sheet mask. The eye and mouth holes are particularly small and it took me a while to get my lips through the mouth hole despite their (my lips) average size. The mask is not dripping with extract unlike most other masks but it is also less likely to get all over your clothes. It is gentle and soothing, and smooths out your skin. I think it will also increase the performance of your toner if you use one. Once you remove the mask, the extract dries quickly and leaves no sticky residue. The results are subtle and it is hard to say whether Mask N has any positive long term effects but it is one of few masks that does not contain irritating ingredients like alcohol or talc. If you suffer from rosacea or some other skin disease, this might be gentle enough for you. It eased my redness and softened my cheeks that have uneven texture due to rosacea. A pack of four sheet masks costs only 798 yen including tax, which is about 200 yen per mask.

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