7月21日に、資生堂のマジョリカ マジョルカは「パーフェクトオートマティックライナー」の新色7色を発売します。私はつい最近、資生堂からGR604のアイライナーを受け取りました。黒い液状のアイライナーは暗いグリーンパールを含んでいて、ライナーにフォレストグリーンの輝きを与えます。ライナーを使い始めるには、まずキャップの下にあるピンク色のストッパーを引き抜きます。そしてキャップを本体に押し込みます。それからよく振ってからキャップを取り、ペンの底にあるダイヤルをカチカチと10回ほど回してから使います。ライナーのインクが出過ぎることがあるので、まぶたにライナーを使う前にティッシュペーパーなど(私は手の甲を使いました)で筆先を整えてから使うように勧めています。2回目に使う時からはダイヤルを1〜2回だけカチカチと回して使います。
On July 21st, Shiseido's Majolica Majorca will release 7 new "Perfect Automatic Liner" shades. I recently received the eyeliner pen in GR604 from Shiseido. The black liquid eyeliner contains dark green pearls to give it a forest green shine. In order to use the liner, you must first remove the pink stopper below the cap. Then push the cap and top half of the pen into the bottom half. Finally, shake the pen, remove the cap and turn the dial at the bottom of the pen so that it clicks ten times. Since the liner ink may come gushing out, Majolica recommends lightly dabbing the tip of the pen on a tissue (I use the back of my hand) before applying the ink to your eyelid. The next time you use the pen, you only need to turn the dial once or twice to get it to work.
This was not my first experience with Majolica's eyeliner pen. A few years ago, I purchased their Automatic Liner in VI336 which was a beautiful metallic purple that I used all the time. As far as I know, the color is no longer available so I was excited when I heard that Majolica would be releasing new eyeliner colors this summer. However, the problem with the new Perfect Automatic Liner in GR604 is that the green sparkles often do not come off the pen brush so GR604 ends up looking like a regular black liner most of the time. My pen was a bit on the dry side and it took several coats of ink for the liner to show up properly on my eyes. By the end of the day, the liner had also flaked off until there was nothing left on my lid. But on the positive side, the Perfect Automatic Liner tip brush was soft and the liner was quite easy to apply, so even those who are not familiar with eyeliner pens should not have much difficulty using it. Still, I do not think that this is something I would actually purchase but I would not rule out trying some of the other Majolica non-shimmery liners out since I did have such a good experience with VI336.
I love shiseido!
looks very elegnat.
Thanks for visit my blog!
Hi Melissa,
Thank you for commenting.
I love Shiseido, too. =)
Thanks for the review! The Neo Automatic liner flaked on me, so it sounds like the new version hasn't changed very much in that respect. That's a pity, as they offer such nice colors.
Hello kuri,
Yes! The concept of the new Automatic Liner is great but the actual implementation of it is another story.
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