Friday, 28 August 2009
Lancôme Declaring Indigo Palette Liberté in Indigo Royauté
パレットリベルテのインディゴ ロワイヨテ(アメリカではインディゴチャームとして知られています)は4色の青とゴールドのアイシャドウで、ランコムのディクレアリング インディゴ コレクションのひとつとして発売されました。これは今年の秋のメイクコレクションで私の興味を引いた数少ないコレクションのひとつです。多くのランコムのアイシャドウと同じく、インディゴ ロワイヨテのパウダーはきめ細かく、スムースで非常に発色が良いです。左から順に、リバティーはエレクトリック、濃いロイヤルブルーです。オダシティはパール感のあるブロンズゴールドです。チャーミングは明るい、メタリックに近いゴールドで、デクレアレーションはラメ入りのインディゴです。リバティーとデクレアレーションはコンパクト上では非常に似ていますが、デクレアレーションはインディゴ色なので目に付けるとちょっとパープルっぽいです。
The Palette Liberté in Indigo Royaute (known as Indigo Charm in the US) is an eyeshadow quad of blues and golds released as part of Lancôme's Declaring Indigo Collection, one of the few fall makeup collections that has captured my attention this year. As with most Lancôme eyeshadows, the Indigo Royauté powders are finely-milled, smooth and very pigmented. From left to right, Liberty is an electric, deep royal blue. Audacity is a pearly bronze-gold. Charming is a bright, almost-metallic gold and Declaration is a sparkling indigo. Liberty and Declaration look quite similar in the compact but because Declaration is an indigo hue, it has a somewhat purple finish on the eyes.
過去に大量に使われ過ぎたため古くさい感じがあり、ブルーシャドウは使い方を間違いやすいですが、このインディゴ ロワイヨテのブルーシャドウはファッションの最先端です。大胆でシック、そしてミステリアスです。一方、ゴールドシャドウはアイラインに良いタッチを与えますし、それだけで使用しても良いです。ひとつの不満はパレットに付いてるスポンジチップがちょっとゴワゴワしている点です。私はラッキートレンディーのTina's dresserのシャドウチップを使う方が良いと思います。
Although it is very easy to go wrong with blue shadows, as they have been overused in the past, the blue shades in Indigo Royauté are very fashion-forward. They are bold, chic and mysterious. The gold shades, meanwhile, add a wonderful touch to the eye line and also look great alone. My only complaint about palette is that the accompanying sponge tips are somewhat rough. I prefer using Lucky Trendy's Tina's dresser eyeshadow tips instead.
期間限定ですが、ランコムでメイク商品を8,400円以上購入すると、ランコムオリジナルのディクレアリング インディゴ キット ポーチをもらえます。草間彌生さんのデザインで、日本で最も有名な前衛芸術家の一人です。数量限定で1ヶ月前に発売されたので、どこのランコムカウンターでもポーチはもう手に入らないかもしれません。他のランコムのポーチや小物入れと同じように、ディクレアリング インディゴ キットは高品質で、あなたの最新コスメアイテムを収納するのに最適です。
For a limited time, you can receive a Declaring Indigo Kit pouch with any Lancôme Japan makeup purchase totaling 8,400 yen or more. The pouch was designed by Yayoi Kusama, one of Japan's most well-known avant-guarde artists today. Since they are in limited supply and were released over a month ago, the pouches may no longer be available at most Lancôme counters. Like all of Lancôme's pouches and purses, the Declaring Indigo Kit is of high quality and great for storing your latest beauty items.
eye makeup,
point makeup,
Thursday, 27 August 2009
SPUR October Issue
(Frida Giannini, Creative Director of Gucci, with models Anja and Natasha)
If you are interested in couture makeup, makeup trends for fall and winter or high fashion, you must check out the October 2009 issue of SPUR. This latest issue from the fashion magazine has an extended feature on beauty, including an in-depth look into Shiseido The Makeup's fall collection, an article on how to achieve hybrid makeup looks and a review of what is hot on the runway right now. Fans of Gucci, Paul Smith, Marc Jacobs, and Anna Sui will also love this issue.
base makeup,
point makeup,
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Jill Stuart Jelly Eye Color N in 07 Jewel Flash
私は最近、ジルスチュワートのジェリーアイカラーN 07ジュエルフラッシュを買いました。ジュエルフラッシュは明るいライラックシャドウで、付けると容器の中に入った状態と全く同じ色合いを見せてくれます。ピンクとパープルのラメはジェリーカラーに素晴らしいキラキラを与えています。07ジュエルフラッシュと08クリスタルスカイはパープルカラーということになっていますが、ジュエルフラッシュは間接光のもとで暗めのグレーかブラウンに見えるクリスタルスカイよりもパープル味が強いです。個人的には優スウィートで優雅なフェアリールックのジュエルフラッシュが好きですが、クリスタルスカイ。私が以前書いたジェリーアイズとクリスタルスカイの詳しいレビューがありますので、ご興味のある方は是非ご覧下さい。ジェリーアイズのキラキラを取り除くのは非常に困難なので、洗い流すメイク落としに加えて拭き取りタイプのメイク落としを使用することを強くオススメします。
I recently purchased the Jill Stuart Jelly Eye Color N in 07 Jewel Flash. Jewel Flash is a bright lilac shadow that, on the eyes, looks exactly how it appears in the container. The pink and purple shimmer give the Jelly Color an especially wonderful sparkle. Though both 07 Jewel Flash and 08 Crystal Sky are supposed to be purple shades, Jewel Flash is much more purple as Crystal Sky has a tendency to look a like a dull grey or brown under indirect light. I personally prefer Jewel Flash -it is great for a sweet, dainty, fairy-like look. But others may choose Crystal Sky instead because it a slightly more grown up shadow. You can read a more detailed review of the Jelly Eyes and Crystal Sky here. It can be a challenge to remove the glitter in the Jelly Eyes so I highly recommend using a wipe-off makeup remover in addition to a wash-off type makeup remover.
eye makeup,
jill stuart,
point makeup,
Friday, 21 August 2009
Sonia Rykiel Eyeliner Pencil WP in 05 Gold
I recently added Sonia Rykiel's Eyeliner Pencil WP in EX05 to my makeup collection. The Eyeliner Pencil WPs are soft, long lasting, and very easy to use. For a more detailed review, you can read the entry I wrote on the pencil in EX 07 White Platinum.
EX05 is an antique gold that actually looks quite natural on the eyes. It is a shade that goes particularly well with darker eyeshadows, is perfect for summer, and contains fine shimmer that adds just a little sparkle to the eyes. Gold eyeliners can be often too bright for day or for anyone over a certain age but EX05 is just subtle enough that it is still work appropriate and looks great on women of most ages. If you are new to makeup and want to try a non-traditional eyeliner color, this shade might be right for you. The Eyeliner Pencil WP is 2,415 yen including tax. The sharpener (which is 367 yen with tax) is sold separately.
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Lunasol Shining Pencil in Gold
For their 2009 Summer Makeup Collection, Lunasol released the Shining Pencil in EX01 Gold and EX02 Silver. I purchased the pencil in EX01 gold which is a light gold shade packed with gold pearls. The Shining Pencil is not a traditional eyeliner and is in fact, more like a highlighter for the eyes. The pencil crayon itself is sheer but the gold pearls gives the skin a super sparkly and glossy appearance when applied. You can use it to line the eyes or wear it over an eyeshadow to make it twinkle. Although the shimmer is incredibly beautiful, it is so sparkly that it may be too sparkly in some circumstances. The pencil is not a substitute for eyeliner and should only be used if you want to add more shimmer to your eye makeup. The pearls do stay in place, so they will not fall into your eyes or get stuck in your eyelashes, but they are difficult to remove if you do not use proper eye makeup remover. The pencil itself is short and thick but so smooth that it just glides over the skin.
Most will probably find the Shining Pencil in gold too light and sparkly. Although it is a wonderful product quality-wise, it is not a must-have makeup item and definitely not something you would use very often. The Shining Pencils are in limited supply and were released in May but you may still able to purchase them from Lunsaol counters in your area. 2,415 yen with tax, sharpener included.
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Stila Barbie Eye Mousse Pot in Glitter Petal
バービーアイムースポットのグリッター ペタルはスティラジャパン・バービーコレクションの一部として3月に発売されました。スティラのシャドウポットと比べるとバービーの方はムースのような質感ですが、シャドウポットの方がクリーミーでよりスムーズです。グリッター ペタルは濃いピンクに柔らかなキラキラが入っていて、シャイニーなシャドウポットよりも薄いです。キュートな色ですが、とても自然に見えるので仕事にも不適切ではないです。ピンクのシャドウは、私の肌のピンクトーンが強いせいか、色が全く見えない or 目の周りが赤くなったりする傾向があるのですが、普通のパウダー アイシャドウとは違ってムースが肌の上に乗る感じなので、容器に入っている時と全く同じ色合いになります。もし大胆に目立つ色が欲しいという方は、スティラのシャドウポット イン リリー ウィズ グリッター ペタルと組み合わせて、クールなピンク色とキラキラにすることができます。
The Glitter Petal Eye Mousse Pot was released in March as part of the Stila Japan x Barbie collection. Compared to Stila's Shadow Pot, the Barbie Pot is more mousse-like in texture while the Shadow Pot is creamier and smoother in composition. Glitter Petal is a deep pink with a soft sparkle that is much more subtle than the shiny Shadow Pots. Although it is a cutesy color, it is not necessarily an inappropriate shade for work as it does look quite natural. Pink shadows have a tendency to appear either invisible or red around my eyes, most likely do to my strong pink tones, but because the mousse sits on top of the skin rather than completely blend in like a regular powdered eyeshadow, when applied, the shadow looks almost exactly like how it appears in the container. If you want a bolder shade, you can also combine Stila's Shadow Pot in Lily with Glitter Petal for a cooler pink with greater sparkle.
もしピンクのシャドウが合うと分かっている方は、バービー アイ ムース ポット イン グリッター ペタルは非常に良いメイク商品です。見た目が素晴らしく、暗い肌のトーンでも色が際立ちます。残念ながらスティラは今月末までには日本から撤退してしまいますので、見付けるのが非常に困難になると思います。シャドウポットと違ってバービー ムース ポットは薔薇の香りがします。目をヒリヒリさせたりはしませんが、ちょっとイライラします。
If you know pink shadows work well for you, the Barbie Eye Mousse Pot in Glitter Petal is a very nice eye makeup product. It would look especially wonderful and really pop out on darker skin tones. Unfortunately, now that Stila will leave Japan by the end of the month, it will be difficult to locate this product. It should also be noted that, unlike the Shadow Pots, the Barbie Mousse Pot contains a rose fragrance. It has not irritated my eyes but I do find it a little annoying.
Along with my Stila purchases, as a parting gift, I received another Stila memo, a Stila folder and little charm. I hope Stila will consider returning to Japan when things begin to look up again. Their Barbie Face Shimmer Powder is still my favourite highlighter ever and one of my favourite makeup items that I use all the time.
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Alima Pure Luminous Shimmer and Pearl Luster Eye Shadows 3
左から右(from left to right): Azure, Aubergine, Aegean
Alima PureのAzure、Aubergine、Aegean Luminous Shimmerアイシャドウは一目見れば明らかな様に、とても大胆です。Azureは濃いブルーにグリーンのキラキラ、Aubergineは濃いパープルにパープルピンクのキラキラが入っています。Aegeanは明るい青緑にグリーンのキラキラが入っていてアクアのようです。全てのパウダーは乾いていても発色が良いです。
Alima Pure's Azure, Aubergine and Aegean Luminous Shimmer eyeshadows are quite bold, not that it needs pointing out. Azure is a deep blue with green shimmer while Aubergine is a deep purple with purple-pink shimmer. Aegean is a bright teal shade with green shimmer that looks almost aqua. All of the powders are quite pigmented even when dry.
For some reason, Azure looks grey in the swatch photos but it does, in fact, retain its blue color even when wet. I think the light reflecting on the shimmer caused it to look more grey than teal, which is why I have taken an additional photo of the shadow.
(A better look at Azure)
(A better look at Azure)
どれもとても素晴らしいので、どのAlimaシャドウが一番好きかを決めるのは難しいです。Aegeanは容器に入っていても、目に付けても人目を引く素晴らしさですし、Aubergineもこの上なく素晴らしいです。フルサイズ(.08 oz/2.5 g)のLuminous Shimmerアイシャドウは9ドル(USD)で、サンプルは1ドルです。
I cannot decide which Alima eyeshadow I like best. All of them are really wonderful. Aegean is definitely eye-catching, both in the container and on the eye and Aubergine is quite exquisite, too. One full-size jar (.08 oz/2.5 g) of the Luminous Shimmer eyeshadow is 9 dollars (USD) and samples cost only 1 dollar each.
Alima Pureをオーダーすると注文した物に合うようなサンプルを3つくれます。ミネラルメイクアップのサンプルには小さなジップロックの袋に入っています。私がもらったのはLuminous Shimmer eyeshadow Smoke、Shimmer eyeliner Masquerade、そして Satin Matte eyeshadow Aloeです。今までミネラルアイライナーを使ったことが無かったので、Masqueradeを試すのが楽しみです。
Each Alima Pure order also comes with 3 free samples chosen to coordinate with your purchase. They come in tiny ziploc bags, which is quite common for mineral makeup samples. The three samples I received were the Luminous Shimmer eyeshadow Smoke, Shimmer eyeliner Masquerade, and Satin Matte eyeshadow Aloe. I have never used a mineral eyeliner before and am excited to test Masquerade out.
これでAlima Pureの商品のポストはしばらくお休みです。お楽しみ頂けたら幸いです。来週はスティラ、ランコム、ジルスチュアート、そしてソニアリキルのポイントメイクと、多分アディクションの物をレビューします。
This is my last post on Alima Pure products for a while. I hope you have enjoyed this series. Next week is Stila, Lancôme, Jill Stuart, and Sonia Rykiel point makeup reviews and maybe something on Addiction, too.
I cannot decide which Alima eyeshadow I like best. All of them are really wonderful. Aegean is definitely eye-catching, both in the container and on the eye and Aubergine is quite exquisite, too. One full-size jar (.08 oz/2.5 g) of the Luminous Shimmer eyeshadow is 9 dollars (USD) and samples cost only 1 dollar each.
Alima Pureをオーダーすると注文した物に合うようなサンプルを3つくれます。ミネラルメイクアップのサンプルには小さなジップロックの袋に入っています。私がもらったのはLuminous Shimmer eyeshadow Smoke、Shimmer eyeliner Masquerade、そして Satin Matte eyeshadow Aloeです。今までミネラルアイライナーを使ったことが無かったので、Masqueradeを試すのが楽しみです。
Each Alima Pure order also comes with 3 free samples chosen to coordinate with your purchase. They come in tiny ziploc bags, which is quite common for mineral makeup samples. The three samples I received were the Luminous Shimmer eyeshadow Smoke, Shimmer eyeliner Masquerade, and Satin Matte eyeshadow Aloe. I have never used a mineral eyeliner before and am excited to test Masquerade out.
これでAlima Pureの商品のポストはしばらくお休みです。お楽しみ頂けたら幸いです。来週はスティラ、ランコム、ジルスチュアート、そしてソニアリキルのポイントメイクと、多分アディクションの物をレビューします。
This is my last post on Alima Pure products for a while. I hope you have enjoyed this series. Next week is Stila, Lancôme, Jill Stuart, and Sonia Rykiel point makeup reviews and maybe something on Addiction, too.
alima pure,
eye makeup,
mineral makeup,
point makeup,
sensitive skin
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Alima Pure Luminous Shimmer and Pearl Luster Eye Shadows 2
左から右(from left to right): Meadow, Atlantis, London
Alima Pureの緑色のシャドウMeadowとLondonは両方ともLuminous Shimmerアイシャドウで、AtlantisはPearl Lusterシャドウです。Meadowはライトグリーンにゴールドのキラキラが入っています。濡らすと、明るい光の下では緑というよりもゴールドに見えます。Atlantisは薄めのの色でゴールド-グリーンの輝きに他のPearl Lusterシャドウのようなメタリックフィニッシュっぽさがあります。Alimaのウェブサイトではエメラルドと描写されていますが、Londonは美しい濃いフォレストグリーンにグリーンのキラキラが入っています。濡らすと、写真で見るよりも緑色が強く見えます。
Alima Pure's green shade shadows Meadow and London are both Luminous Shimmer eyeshadows while Atlantis is a Pearl Luster eyeshadow. Meadow is a light green shadow with gold shimmer. When wet, it can look more gold than green in direct light. Atlantis is a paler shade that also contains gold-green shimmer with an almost metallic-finish that the other Pearl Luster shadows seem to have. Though described as emerald on the Alima website, London is a beautiful deep forest green with green shimmer. When wet, it is even more green in person than it appears in the photos.
全てのシャドウはとても素晴らしく乾いたまま使っても美しく見えます。Atlantisは他の2つよりも明らかに薄く、Meadowは濡らすと容器に入っている状態の時よりも大胆な感じです。フルサイズ(.08 oz/2.5 g)のアイシャドウは9ドル(USD)で、サンプルはたったの1ドルです。
All of the shades are quite stunning and look wonderful even when applied dry. Atlantis is definitely a more subtle shade than the other two and Meadow is much more bold when wet than it looks in the container. One full-size jar (.08 oz/2.5 g) of each eyeshadow is 9 dollars (USD) while samples cost only 1 dollar per shadow.
alima pure,
eye makeup,
mineral makeup,
point makeup,
sensitive skin
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Alima Pure Luminous Shimmer and Pearl Luster Eye Shadows 1
左から右(from left to right): Cedar, Eden, Zen
Alima Pureのアイシャドウもファンデーションやブラッシュパウダーと同様にハイクオリティです。アイシャドウには3つのタイプがあり、 Luminous Shimmer、Pearl Luster、Satin Matteです。Luminous Shimmerシャドウは綺麗な輝きのキラキラがたくさん入っています。Pearl Lusterはメタリックに近い感じで、Luminous Shadowsよりもキラキラは弱めです。私はSatin Matte Shadowsのサンプルを買いませんでしたが、先日買ったSatin Matteのブラッシュに似ているだろうと思います。
Much like their foundation and blush powders, Alima Pure's eyeshadows are high quality. There are three different types of eyeshadows: Luminous Shimmer, Pearl Luster, and Satin Matte. Luminous Shimmer shadows are packed with very fine shimmer for a pretty sparkle. The Pearl Luster shadows look almost metallic and contain fair less shimmer than the Luminous powders. I did not purchase a sample of the Satin Matte shadows but I imagine they are similar to the Satin Matte blushes I reviewed the other day.
Cedar, Eden, Zen
Cedar looks like a mix of old gold and deep green with green shimmer. Eden is an antique gold shade with green shimmer. And Zen is a metallic grey with a hint of green pearls. If you are going for a sheer or minimalist look on the eyes, apply the eyeshadow powders with a dry brush. For bold and long-lasting color, apply the shadows to the lid with a damp brush. The shadows appear highly pigmented when applied wet and should last for a very long time.
アイシャドウのパフォーマンスには非常に感激しましたし、すっかりAlimaのファンになってしまいました。もしミネラルメイクアップファンデーションやブラッシュに関心がない方にも、Alimaのアイシャドウだけは是非試してもらいたいです。フルサイズ(.08 oz/2.5 g)は9ドル(USD)でサンプルはたったの1ドルです。
I am very impressed with the performance of the Luminous Shimmer and Pearl Luster eyeshadows and have become a complete Alima fan. If you do not care for mineral makeup foundations and blushes, I highly urge you to at least try Alima's eyeshadows. One full-size jar (.08 oz/2.5 g) is 9 dollars (USD) and samples cost only 1 dollar each.
Cedar looks like a mix of old gold and deep green with green shimmer. Eden is an antique gold shade with green shimmer. And Zen is a metallic grey with a hint of green pearls. If you are going for a sheer or minimalist look on the eyes, apply the eyeshadow powders with a dry brush. For bold and long-lasting color, apply the shadows to the lid with a damp brush. The shadows appear highly pigmented when applied wet and should last for a very long time.
アイシャドウのパフォーマンスには非常に感激しましたし、すっかりAlimaのファンになってしまいました。もしミネラルメイクアップファンデーションやブラッシュに関心がない方にも、Alimaのアイシャドウだけは是非試してもらいたいです。フルサイズ(.08 oz/2.5 g)は9ドル(USD)でサンプルはたったの1ドルです。
I am very impressed with the performance of the Luminous Shimmer and Pearl Luster eyeshadows and have become a complete Alima fan. If you do not care for mineral makeup foundations and blushes, I highly urge you to at least try Alima's eyeshadows. One full-size jar (.08 oz/2.5 g) is 9 dollars (USD) and samples cost only 1 dollar each.
alima pure,
eye makeup,
mineral makeup,
point makeup,
sensitive skin
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Alima Pure Satin Matte & Luminous Shimmer Blush
左から右(from left to right): Tulip, Apple Blossom, Rosa
Alima Pure(アリマピュア)からベースメイクのサンプルを注文したのに加え、私はブラシとアイシャドウも注文しました。私が注文したブラッシュはTulip、Apple Blossom、Rosaです。Alimaには2種類のブラッシュがあります: Satin MatteとLuminous Shimmerです。Satin Matteはエアブラシのような感じで、Luminous Shimmerは顔に柔らかい輝きを与えてくれます。TulipとAppleはSatin Matteブラッシュ、RosaはLuminous ブラッシュです。ファンデーションと同様に、このブラッシュも柔らかくてきめ細かいです。
In addition to ordering base makeup samples from Alima Pure, I also ordered samples of their blushes and eye shadows. The blushes I ordered were Tulip, Apple Blossom, and Rosa. Alima carries two different types of blushes: Satin Matte and Luminous Shimmer. Satin Matte gives has an airbrushed quality to it while Luminous Shimmer adds a soft glow to the face. Tulip and Apple Blossom are Satin Matte blushes while Rosa is a Luminous Shimmer blush. Like the foundations, the blush powders are soft and finely milled.
これらは容器に入っていると似た様にしか見えませんが、TulipとApple Blossomにはちょっと違いがあります。Tulipはクールな薄いピンクで頬につけるとApple Blossomより僅かに明るいです。デリケートな陶器の人形のようなルックにしてくれます。Apple Blossomはもう少し濃いピンクで、自然な赤らみに見せてくれます。これはナチュラルルックやノーメイクルックを目指そうとしている方にはピッタリだと思います。残念ながら、両方とも非常に薄いので本当に明るい肌の人でないと色が見えにくいかもしれません。Rosaはより暗いブラッシュで、濃いラディッシュピンクに多くの美しいキラキラが入っています。キラキラは細かいので肌に付けてもあまり目立ちませんが、素敵で穏やかな輝きを与えてくれます。個人的にはRosaは少し暗過ぎますし、キラキラしていてより可愛いですがロザケアを思い起こさせます。多分、明るめかミディアムくらいの明るさの肌の方に最も適していて、とても白い方やミディアムから暗めの肌の方には適さないと思います。Alimaの良いところはブラッシュの色の種類が豊富だということで、どんな人でもその人に合ったものが見つかると思います。
Though they look very similar in their containers, there are some subtle differences between Tulip and Apple Blossom. Tulip is a cool pale pink and just a hint lighter than Apple Blossom on the cheeks. It can be used to complete a delicate, porcelain doll-look. Apple Blossom is a deeper pink that looks like a natural flush on the face. Apple Blossom would work well for those trying to achieve a natural or minimal/no-makeup look. Unfortunately, both blushes are so pale that they probably only appear on light complexions. Rosa is a darker blush. It has a deep reddish-pink color with a lot of beautiful shimmer. The shimmer appears much more subtle on the skin because it is so fine but it gives a nice, gentle glow to the face. Personally, Rosa is a little too dark for me and reminds me of my rosacea, though a more shimmery, prettier version of it. I think it would work best on light to medium complexions but not on a pale or medium to dark face. The nice thing about Alima is that they carry a large range of blush shades, so whatever your skin color or shade, you should be able to find a blush that works for you.
私はApple Blossomが好きですが、サンプルを使い終えたらTulipブラッシュのフルサイズを買おうと思っています。Satin MatteとLuminous Shimmerのフルサイズ(.16oz/5g)は15ドル(USD)です。ちなみにサンプルはたったの1ドルですので、まずはサンプルを購入してみることをオススメします。
I think I will be purchasing a full-size jar of Alima Pure's Tulip blush when I run out of the sample although I do like Apple Blossom. A full-size jar (.16oz/5g) of one of Alima Pure's Satin Matte or Luminous Shimmer blushes is 15 dollars (USD), while samples cost only 1 dollar each. I highly recommend purchasing and trying out the samples first.
alima pure,
mineral makeup,
point makeup,
sensitive skin
Monday, 10 August 2009
Alima Pure Satin Matte Foundation & Color Balancing Powder
Alima Pure(アリマピュア)はオレゴン州のポートランドにある、環境に優しく動物実験をしていないミネラルメイクアップの会社です。その商品はBDIHに天然のコスメとして認定され、Nylon、Coco Eco、Natural Health等の雑誌に掲載されています。商品はほとんどが敏感肌にも優しいもので、刺激物であるビスマスオキシドクロリド、タルク、着色料、香料が入っていません。
Alima Pure is an eco-friendly, cruelty-free mineral makeup company based in Portland, Oregon. Their products are BDIH-certified, that is their products are certified natural cosmetics, and have been featured in magazines such as Nylon, Coco Eco and Natural Health. Their products are mostly sensitive-friendly and do not contain irritants, such as bismuth oxychloride, talc, dyes, and fragrances.
賞を受賞しているAlima PureのSatin Matte Foundationはどんな肌のトーンにも幅広いカラーを展開しています。Coolは日焼けで火傷しやすいピンクのトーンの肌の人向け。Neutralは黄色でもピンクでもないピーチィ(黄桃)トーンで日焼けしやすいですが後で赤くならずに焼ける肌の人向け。Beigeは日焼けしやすいですが黄色みの強いピーチィカラーの肌の人向け。Warmは日焼けしやすいピーチから黄色のスキントーンの人向け。Goldenは濃い黄色で少しピンクやベージュが入った日焼けしやすい肌向け。Oliveは日焼けで黒くなりやすくピンクや黄色みのないベージュの肌向けです。ファンデーションの色は白に近い0からエボニーの9まであります(自分のスキントーンと色が良く分からないという方には、AlimaのChoose Your Foundation Colorのページを読むことをオススメします)。私はCoolの0とNeutralの0のサンプルと、顔の赤みを消すためにColor Balancing PowderのPistachioを注文しました。
Alima Pure's award winning Satin Matte Foundation has a fairly wide range of shades for every skin tone. Cool is for easily sunburned skin with pink-tones. Neutral is for peachy skin tones that are neither particularly yellow nor pink, that may burn easily but then tan. Beige is for those who tan easily and have more yellow in their peach-colored skin. Warm is for peach to yellow undertones that tan easily. Golden is for rich, yellow, easily-tanned skin with a little pink or beige. Olive is for those who tan easily and have beige skin without any pink or yellow. The foundation shades run from 0 almost white to 9 ebony. (For those of you unsure of your skin tone and shade, I highly recommend reading Alima's Choose Your Foundation Color page.) I ordered a sample of 0 in Cool and 0 in Neutral, as well as their Color Balancing Powder in Pistachio, to diffuse the redness in my skin.
Neutral 0, Cool 0, Pistachio
While most color correctors or balancers used to hide red skin go on too yellow or too green, Pistachio looks very natural and can even be worn alone if you do not want to wear foundation over it. Though it did not completely conceal the redness in my skin, it did diffuse it to a great extent and my bumpy, red rosacea cheeks looked more like a healthy, smooth, natural blush. The only downside to the corrector was that it sunk into my pores and made them more noticeable.
パウダーが容器に入っている状態ではチョークの粉のようで、重たそうな感じがしますが、実際は細かくて柔らかく、そしてとても軽いです。私はSatin Matte Foundationをつけた時に少しだけチクチクしましたが、使ったことのある他のミネラルメイクほど痒くなったりしませんでした。Neutralは少し暗く黄色過ぎたのですが、Cool 0は結構自分の肌の色に近かったので自然な感じに見えました。ファンデーションはエアブラシのような感じで、マット過ぎもなくシャイニー過ぎもしません。Alimaはフィニッシングパウダー(ハイライターなど)も出していますが、必要ないと思います。Satin Matte Foundationは柔らかいちょっとした輝きがあり、Stilaのピンクドールファイスシマーパウダーの少し控えめなバージョンみたいです。カバー力はシアーからミディアムライトですが、もっとカバー力が欲しければもっとパウダーを多く付ければ良いと思います。毛穴はPistachioを付けた時ほどは大きく見えませんでしたが、ミネラルファンデーションはやはり毛穴を少し目立たせてしまうものです。でもファンデーションを付ける前にメイクベースを使いませんでしたし、毛穴は凄く接近しないと気付かない程度です。数時間後にチェックしましたが、ほとんどファンデーションの状態に変化はありませんでした。ひとつイライラする点はパウダーが散らばってしまうことですが、ルースメイクパウダーとはそういう物ですね。
Although the powders may look a bit chalky or heavy in the jar, they are fine, soft, and incredibly light. I felt a slight tingling sensation when I first put on the Satin Matte Foundation but it did not itch like other mineral makeup foundations that I have tried in the past. Neutral was a slightly too dark and yellow for me but Cool 0 was a pretty close match to my skin tone and looked natural on my face. The foundation has an air brushed quality to it that is neither matte nor overly shiny. Although Alima offers finishing powders, I do not think they are necessary. The Satin Matte Foundation has a soft, subtle glow that resembles a toned-down version of Stila's Barbie Face Shimmer Powder in Pink Doll. The coverage is sheer to medium-light, although you can probably increase the coverage by applying more powder to your face. My pores did not look as large as they did when I only had the Pistachio color balancer on, but I think making pores appear larger is a characteristic of all mineral foundations. I did not use a primer or makeup base before apply the foundation however, and the pores were only noticeable from very up-close. When I checked how the foundation looked hours later, it was mostly unchanged. The one minor annoyance I have with the powders is that they can get very messy but that is to be expected for all loose-powder makeup.
While most color correctors or balancers used to hide red skin go on too yellow or too green, Pistachio looks very natural and can even be worn alone if you do not want to wear foundation over it. Though it did not completely conceal the redness in my skin, it did diffuse it to a great extent and my bumpy, red rosacea cheeks looked more like a healthy, smooth, natural blush. The only downside to the corrector was that it sunk into my pores and made them more noticeable.
パウダーが容器に入っている状態ではチョークの粉のようで、重たそうな感じがしますが、実際は細かくて柔らかく、そしてとても軽いです。私はSatin Matte Foundationをつけた時に少しだけチクチクしましたが、使ったことのある他のミネラルメイクほど痒くなったりしませんでした。Neutralは少し暗く黄色過ぎたのですが、Cool 0は結構自分の肌の色に近かったので自然な感じに見えました。ファンデーションはエアブラシのような感じで、マット過ぎもなくシャイニー過ぎもしません。Alimaはフィニッシングパウダー(ハイライターなど)も出していますが、必要ないと思います。Satin Matte Foundationは柔らかいちょっとした輝きがあり、Stilaのピンクドールファイスシマーパウダーの少し控えめなバージョンみたいです。カバー力はシアーからミディアムライトですが、もっとカバー力が欲しければもっとパウダーを多く付ければ良いと思います。毛穴はPistachioを付けた時ほどは大きく見えませんでしたが、ミネラルファンデーションはやはり毛穴を少し目立たせてしまうものです。でもファンデーションを付ける前にメイクベースを使いませんでしたし、毛穴は凄く接近しないと気付かない程度です。数時間後にチェックしましたが、ほとんどファンデーションの状態に変化はありませんでした。ひとつイライラする点はパウダーが散らばってしまうことですが、ルースメイクパウダーとはそういう物ですね。
Although the powders may look a bit chalky or heavy in the jar, they are fine, soft, and incredibly light. I felt a slight tingling sensation when I first put on the Satin Matte Foundation but it did not itch like other mineral makeup foundations that I have tried in the past. Neutral was a slightly too dark and yellow for me but Cool 0 was a pretty close match to my skin tone and looked natural on my face. The foundation has an air brushed quality to it that is neither matte nor overly shiny. Although Alima offers finishing powders, I do not think they are necessary. The Satin Matte Foundation has a soft, subtle glow that resembles a toned-down version of Stila's Barbie Face Shimmer Powder in Pink Doll. The coverage is sheer to medium-light, although you can probably increase the coverage by applying more powder to your face. My pores did not look as large as they did when I only had the Pistachio color balancer on, but I think making pores appear larger is a characteristic of all mineral foundations. I did not use a primer or makeup base before apply the foundation however, and the pores were only noticeable from very up-close. When I checked how the foundation looked hours later, it was mostly unchanged. The one minor annoyance I have with the powders is that they can get very messy but that is to be expected for all loose-powder makeup.
Alimaはファンデーションのサンプルを1つ1.50ドル(USD)で販売しています。各サンプルは小さいプラスチックの容器に入っていて、上までタップリ入っています。Color Balancing Powdersのサンプルはそれよりも少しだけ小さいので1ドルです。使い切ったら、空になった容器を送り返すとリサイクルしてくれます。もしフルサイズの容器を5つ送れば、次回の買い物時に無料のアイシャドウを1つ送ってもらえます。詳細はJar Return Programのページを見て下さい。
Alima offers samples of their foundation shades for 1.50 dollars (USD) a piece. Each sample comes in a small plastic jar that is filled to the very top. The Color Balancing Powders come in slightly smaller jars for 1 dollar each. Once you are finished with the makeup, you may send the empty jars back to Alima for recycling. If you send 5 full-size jars back to Alima, you will receive a free eyeshadow with your next purchase. Please check their Jar Return Program page for more information.
私はAlima Pureの商品を気に入ったので、サンプルを使い切ったらフルサイズのファンデーションとコントロールカラーを買おうと思っています。パウダーは軽くてナチュラルに見え、しかもリーズナブルなお値段です。もしとても白くて自分の肌に合ったファンデーションが見つからないという方には、この会社からサンプルを注文した方が良いと思います。Satin Matte Foundationのフルサイズは(.24oz/7.5g)で、20ドルで、カラーバランシングパウダー(.16oz/5g)は15ドルです。Alima Pureは毎年の利益の一部を環境保護団体に寄付していますので、メイクを購入することで良い行いができるというのは素晴らしいことです。
I am very pleased with Alima Pure and plan to purchase a full size jar of their foundation and color corrector when I have used up their samples. Their powders are light, natural-looking and very affordable. If you have very pale skin and have never found a foundation light enough for you, you should definitely order a foundation sample from this company. One full size jar (.24oz/7.5g) of the Satin Matte Foundation sells for 20 dollars while the full size Color Balancing Powders(.16oz/5g) are 15 dollars each. Alima Pure donates a portion of their profits to green organizations every year, so you can also feel good knowing that your makeup purchases are helping to support a good cause.
alima pure,
base makeup,
mineral makeup,
sensitive skin
Friday, 7 August 2009
MAC Dazzleglass in Funtabulous
ファンタビュラスはMACのスプリング ダブルダズル コレクションの最新ダズルグラスの中の1つです。フュージアにバイオレットの輝きが入った色です。このグロスはほのかに明るく、私の唇には自然な感じに見えますが、実際にボトルの中に入ってる状態で見える色とほとんど同じです。非常に濃いですがベタつかず、多くのMACのリップ製品と同様にクリームブリュレの香りがします。
Funtabulous is one of the latest Dazzleglasses offered by MAC in their spring Double Dazzle collection. It is a fuchsia shade with violent shimmer. The gloss is slightly less bright and more natural-looking on my lips but for the most part, closely resembles how it appears in the bottle. The formula is quite thick but not sticky and has that wonderful crème brûlée smell that many MAC lip products seem to have. As Funtabulous is an eye-catching, "dazzling" shade, it is not very work-appropriate but great for the weekend or a night on the town. Since the color does wear off somewhat quickly, it is probably best to apply it over another lip color for long-lasting color, especially if you have (naturally) light-colored lips. Be sure that your lips are completely healed before you apply Dazzleglass. I had a very tiny crack in the corner of my lip and the shimmer in the gloss made it really sting.
ダズルグラスはボトルも小さめで内容量も他のMACの製品よりも少ないのにもかかわらず、お値段は高いという不満もあります。なぜMACが量を減らして金額を高めに設定したのかは分かりませんが、是非とも顧客からのフィードバックを参考にして頂きたいと思います。私はUS MACのウェブサイトからファンタビュラスを注文して18ドル(USD)でしたが、日本のカウンターで買うと2,730円(税込)で、約950円(10ドル)も高いです。
There have also been complaints that the Dazzleglass bottles are smaller and contain less product than other MAC glosses despite being more expensive. I do not understand why MAC is charging more for less but hopefully they will listen to some of the feedback they have received from their customers. I purchased Funtabulous through the US MAC website for 18 dollars (USD) but the gloss is 2730 yen, over 950 yen (10 dollars) more expensive at MAC counters in Japan.
(For some reason the swatch of Funtabulous on the Japanese MAC site looks completely different from what is displayed on the US MAC site. The swatch on the US site is a much more accurate representation of the Dazzleglass shade.)
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Lipstick Queen Chinatown Glossy Pencil
リップスティック・クィーンの最新のリップはチャイナタウン グロッシーペンシルズで、リップスティック・クィーンのオフィスがあるニューヨークのチャイナタウンと、ポッピー・キングお気に入りのロマン・ポランスキー監督の映画からインスパイアされています。成分にシアバターが含まれているせいか、リップペンシルは付けると瑞々しく、とてもグロッシーです。このペンシルはジャンボサイズで良く発色し、キープ力も強いです。各ペンシルにはキャップとシャープナーが付属しています。
The latest lip product from Lipstick Queen is the Chinatown Glossy Pencils, inspired by New York City's Chinatown where Lipstick Queen's offices are located and Poppy King's favourite film by film director-producer Roman Polanski. Likely due to the shea-butter in their formulas, the lip pencils are moisturizing on application and very glossy. They are also "jumbo"-sized, well-pigmented and have good lasting power. Each pencil comes with a cap and sharpener.
I ordered the Mystery Glossy Pencil through the Barneys online store. (Lipstick Queen is still not available in Japan but I hope they will make an appearance in Tokyo soon!) Mystery is a brilliant plum purple that comes in a lovely film noir-print box. Unfortunately, my lips are already quite pigmented and turn the gloss into a bold, vampy brown-red that is not very appropriate for a day-look. This is a shame as Mystery is a beautiful shade on its own but perhaps others will have more luck with this color. The pencil product also dries out the lips after a while, so I recommend either wearing a lip balm or liquid gloss over it.
グロッシーペンシルのアイデアは好きですし、他の色(ThrillerとCrime)には興味があります。でも、リップスティック・クィーンの最近非常に人気のあるBig Bangグロスを試していないので、まずはそちらから試してみようかと思います。リップスティック・クィーンのチャイナタウン グロッシーペンシルは1つあたり20ドル(USD)です。
I do like the idea of the Glossy Pencils and am still interested in some of the other shades (Thriller and Crime). But I have yet to try out one of Lipstick Queen's Big Bang glosses, which are exploding in popularity right now, and may try one of those first. One Lipstick Queen Chinatown Glossy Pencil costs 20 dollars (USD).
lip gloss,
lipstick queen,
point makeup,
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Benefit Crescent Row Fragrances
ベネフィットは最近、サマーシーズン向けの3つの新しいフレグランスのコレクションをリリースしまして、Sephoraで注文した時にそれぞれのCrescent Row オードトワレのサンプルをもらいました。
Benefit recently released a collection of three new fragrances for the summer season and I received a sample of each Crescent Row eau de toilette with an order from Sephora.
Laugh with me Lee Leeはライトなウッディーフローラルの香りにカシス、メロン、シトラス、ブラックバイオレット、ユリ、ジャスミン、ブロンドウッド、琥珀、サンタルがブレンドされています。かすかにフレッシュでクリーンな香りで、ユリとメロンの香りが引き立っています。肌に付いてから少し落ち着くとより一層甘い香りがします。でも、それは他のライトなフローラルフレグランスと非常によく似ています。
Laugh with me Lee Lee is a light, woody floral fragrance with a blend of cassis, melon, citrus, black violet, lily, jasmine, blonde wood, amber and santal. It is a subtle fresh, clean scent with a noticeable lily and melon-aroma. It smells more sweet as it settles. But it does resemble a lot of other light floral fragrances out there.
Something about Sofiaはオリエンタルフローラルの香りでマンゴ、フリージア、ユリ、ジャスミンサンバック、ボタン、マスク、白キャラメルとバニラビーンの香りが含まれています。このフレグランスはとても甘く、3つのフレグランスの中では一番のお気に入りです。まず、マンゴーとバニラの香りがしますが、肌に付いて落ち着くとピーチ&クリームに少々のスパイスを振り掛けたような香りになります。甘いですが、そこまで甘くて子供っぽい香りではないです。
Something about Sofia is an oriental floral fragrance with notes of mango, freesia, sheer lily, jasmine sambac, peony petal, musk, white caramel and vanilla bean. It is quite sweet and my favourite of the three fragrances. At first, it smells like mango and vanilla but as it settles, it is more like peaches and cream with a dash of spice. Though it is sweet, it is not an overly young, sugary fragrance.
My Place or Yours Ginaはウッディーオリエンタルの香りにピンクペッパー、ベルガモット、みかん、ボタン、ワイルドラズベリー、白ユリ、パチョリ、トンカビーンとバニラビーンの香りが入っています。このフレグランスを好きか嫌いか、自分にも良く分かりません。とても甘い香りでピンクペッパーとラズベリーの香りが際立っています。最初にこのGinaを試してみた時には特に気に入ったというわけではなかったのですが、2~3回使うとだんだん好きになってきました。何らかの理由でこのフレグランスはあまりフレッシュな感じがしませんが、他の2つのオードトワレよりも香りが長持ちします。
My place or Yours Gina is a woody oriental fragrance with pink pepper, bergamot, tangerine, peony, wild raspberry, white lily, patchouli, tonka bean and vanilla bean. I have very mixed feelings about this fragrance. It is quite sweet and the pink pepper and raspberry really stand out. When I first tested Gina out, I did not care for it at all but after a second and third time around, I am beginning to like it. For some reason, it just does not smell very fresh to me though it does last longer than the other two eau de toilettes.
どれも長時間香りが続くわけでもなく、また同時にどれもあまり強過ぎません。香水好きの方にとって、これらのフレグランスはあまり興味関心を惹く物ではないと思いますが、ライトで強くないものを探している方にはCrescent Rowコレクションはチェックしてみる価値はあるかもしれません。
None of the scents last for a very long time but none of them are overpowering, either. I do not think that perfume snobs will care for any of these scents but those who are looking for something light and inconspicuous may want to check the Crescent Row Collection out.
この香水はとても可愛らしい箱に入っており、それぞれのオードトワレも美しくデザインされたケースに入っています。そして、各フレグランスにはポエムが書かれています。Benefit Cosmeticsの特徴の中で一番好きなのは、その可愛らしいパッケージです。これらのサンプルは今後も使い続けると思いますが、これらを実際に購入するかどうかは分かりません。
The sample scents came in a very adorable box and each eau de toilette for sale is housed in a beautifully-designed container. Each fragrance has a corresponding a poem, as well. One of the aspects I love most about Benefit Cosmetics is their cute packaging. However, I do not see myself actually purchasing any of these fragrances though I will continue to use the samples for now.
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