While at Tokyo Hands, I happened upon a Kyoto-themed miniature set from a collection called, "Kyoto ni Koishiteiru" ("I Love Kyoto") by the miniature company Re-Ment. Re-Ment carries many miniatures ("puchi petites"), including ones of products from cosmetics companies like Anna Sui and Stila. When you buy miniature sets (individually), you cannot actually choose the set you want from the collection. Not knowing what set you bought until you open the box is part of the fun. I was hoping for the Japanese Sweets set or the Pleased to Meet You maiko set but I was pleasantly surprised with the Japanese Cosmetics set, which is actually based on Yojiya Cosmetics.
Yojiya is a well-known, traditional Japanese-style make up and skincare company based in Kyoto. It was founded over a century ago and their first product, which happens to be their most popular product, was oil-blotting paper. (You can read more about the company's history at on their web page.) Yojiya's main store is always full of tourists looking for gifts to take home to their friends. I once received oil-blotting paper and a cute mirror from Yojiya as a gift and I highly recommend their products if you are looking for Japanese or Kyoto-specific souvenirs. I cannot comment on the quality of the products because I've only regularly used the blotting paper and don't remember testing out their other products, but the craftsmanship of their tools is excellent and part of Yojiya's appeal is their traditional Japanese packaging. They have several locations in Kyoto, some conveniently located next to popular tourists spots (Kinkakuji, Gion). However, the only locations outside Tokyo are the Haneda, Narita, and Kansai airport. You can also purchase their products through catalog or the internet.
よーじやはとても有名な、京都にある伝統的な和風メークやスキンケアの会社です。約百年前に創業し、初めの商品はあぶらとり紙で一番人気商品です。(もっとよーじやの歴史を知りたかったら、ホームページを見てください。)よーじやの本店はいつもお土産探しの観光客で満杯です。私も友達からよーじやのあぶらとり紙と可愛い鏡をもらったことがありますので、和風や京風なお土産を探している方にはよーじやの商品はとても良いと思います。あぶらとり紙以外にはあんまりよーじやの商品を使ったことがなく、お店で試した商品もあんまり覚えていませんが、ツールの職人技能は素晴らしく、やはりよーじやの強みは伝統的な和風デザイン。 京都では色々なお店がありますし、人気の観光スポット(金閣寺や祇園など)の近くにもあります。残念ながら、京都以外では羽田空港、成田空港、関西空港にしかありません。ですが、通販カタログやインターネットからも手に入れられます。
PS- It just so happens that the Yojiya cafe will be on the 7th floor of the Shinjuku Isetan from today till the 12th.
PS- 実はよーじやカフェは伊勢丹新宿店の7階で期間限定発売しています。今日から12日までです。
I am now more convinced that the Japanese invented the word cute. Every item you have there is so cute! :)
Well, even if they didn't invent it they have certainly perfected it!
I actually have the whole Kyoto minature collection now but I haven't had the time to set everything up and take photos. Maybe sometime later I will.
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