I've noticed that quite a few people come across this blog searching for reviews of Shiseido's Ferzea skincare line. I reviewed Ferzea's Repair Veil Hand Cream in November and I will continue to publish reviews of Ferzea products this and next week. I've also decided to create a ferzea tag so that readers will have an easier time finding the reviews.
Shiseido's Ferzea is a body skincare line that targets seriously dry, irritated skin. Their creams range from lip and hand creams to creams for the back and knees. If you are unsure of what to buy, you can consult the chart on their website. The ingredients for each product is also listed there. All of the products (with the exception of the bath milk) are fragrance-free and safe for those with eczema and other skin conditions. Because these are medicinal products, they can only be purchased at drug stores.
Ferzea Lip is a lip cream similar to Vaseline (petroleum jelly) but faster-drying and less sticky. It is also less glossy than Vaseline but it still leaves a little shine. It is paraben-free and contains a mixture of urea and squalene to moisturize, and polyquaternium-51, a water-soluble polymer that helps prevent drying. For me, Ferzea lip did a much better job of healing the cracks on my lips than most other chap sticks and lip creams, including Nivea, Watering Lip, Vaseline, Burt's Bees and Carmex. My lips are usually chapped and even bleeds in the winter, so it takes a very good lip cream to moisturize and heal them. I only paid 300-400 yen per tube, which is very reasonable. If you haven't found a lipcream that works for you, you may want to consider Ferzea lip.
フェルゼアリップクリームはワセリン(ペトロラタム)に似ていますが、もっと早く乾きますし、ベタベタしません。ワセリンほどグロッシー(グロスぽい)ではないですが、少し光沢があります。パラベンフリーでうるおい与えるために尿素とスクワランが配合されていて、乾燥を防止する水溶性ポリマーのポリクオタニウム-51も入っています。フェルゼアリップは他のものより(Nivea、 Watering Lip、 Vaseline、 Burt's Bees、Carmexなど)自分のカサカサした唇をよく治しました。唇がいつも乾燥して、冬には血まで出るので、うるおいを与えて、リペアするためにはよほどいい物ではないとだめです。1個300〜400円しか払わなかったので、とてもりーズナブルな値段で売っています。まだ自分にいいリップクリームが見付かってない方は、フェルゼアリップを使ってみるといいかもしれません。
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