When I ordered the Lucent Powder that I reviewed last week, I also purchased FANCL's Milky Lotion in travel size. I was actually interested in products from their additive-free FDR line but none of them were available in sample size so I opted for the moisturizer from their main skincare line instead. As mentioned in an earlier post, all of FANCL's products are preservatives and additive-free. No need to worry about fragrances, coloring agents, or mineral oil that can irritate sensitive skin.
The milky lotion contains moist collagen and sweet pea extract to hydrate and protect. There are two types of milky lotion: light and heavy. I chose the heavy type. Ironically, the heavy type is incredibly light and I cannot imagine just how light the "light" type must be. The moisturizer is more like a liquid-y extract that instantly hydrates the skin. Despite it's light texture, the Milky Lotion preforms as a heavy cream and maintains a smooth face throughout the day. It did not irritate my skin and it worked almost as well as La Roche Posay's Toleraine cream but at a fraction of the Posay price.
ミルキーローションにはみずみずしさを保ち、肌を守ってくれるフレッシュモイストコラーゲンとスイートピーエキスが入っています。ローションのタイプは2つあります;さっぱりとしっとり。私はしっとりタイプを買いました。皮肉にも、しっとりタイプはとても軽かったので、さっぱりタイプがどれほどさっぱりするのか想像出来ません。乳液はすぐに潤いを与える水っぽいエキスみたいなものです。さっぱりした感じがしていますが、しっとりしたクリームみたいですので、一日中肌がスムーズです。肌を全く刺激しなかったし、ラ ロッシュ ポゼのトレリアンクリームくらい良いのに、その値段はお手頃価格です。
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