Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Skinfood Honey Pot Lip Balm
Skinfood is one of the most popular and fastest-growing budget, cosmetic brands in Korea, with locations in The United Arab Emirates, Brunei, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, The Philippines, Indonesia and Singapore. According to their official website, Skinfood will be opening a store in Japan sometime soon and I cannot wait till they do!
ハニーポットリップバームは少し色の付いたペトロラタム タイプのバームで、2つの色と香りがあります:ベリーとマンダリンです。私が買ったのはハニーポット ベリーで、強いラズベリーの香りがあり、ベリーの赤色をしています。このバームはかなりグロッシーですが、ベトベトせず、これひとつだけつけてもいいですが、他のリップカラーの上から輝きをプラスするために使ってもいいと思います。とても可愛らしいポットに入っていて、バームをつけるためのキュートなハニースティックも付いています。上品でお手頃な商品なので唇がとても乾きやすい人に向いていますし、小さなお土産や贈り物としても良いです。ゼリータイプのバームと同じように、スキンフードのハニーポットリップバームは唇を長時間グロッシーに、そしてスムーズにしてくれます。
The Honey Pot Lip Balm is a tinted, petroleum jelly-type balm that comes in two different colors/flavors: Berry and Mandarin. I purchased the Honey Pot Berry which has a strong raspberry scent and berry-red tint. It is quite glossy but not sticky and can be worn alone or over another lip color for some shine. It comes in an adorable pot with a cute honey stick for application. It is a decent, inexpensive product for those with very dry lips and can make a nice little souvenir or gift. Like most jelly-type balms, Skinfood's Honey Pot Lip Balm will keep your lips glossy and smooth for a long time.
Monday, 29 June 2009
The Face Shop 5th Anniversary Art Pact
今週のEn in Tokyoはコリアンビューティーウィークです。ソウルへ旅行に行って選んだ韓国のコスメをレビューします。
This week is Korean Beauty Week on En in Tokyo. I will be reviewing Korean beauty products I picked up during a trip to Seoul all week long.
名韓 美人図 潾(リン) アートパクトはザ・フェイスショップ5周年記念の限定商品で、アイシャドウ、チークカラー、ハイライターのコンパクト、メイクブラシ、そしてコスメティックブランドの潾(リン)ファンデーション(SPF20 PA++) NB21とメイクベース(SPF20 PA++) 01グリーンのサンプルが入っています。ザ・フェイスショップの潾(リン)シリーズは伝統的な中国の漢方を含んだスキンケアとメイクアップ商品のシリーズです。中国の漢方を商品の原材料に使用することは韓国のハイエンドなコスメブランドとリーズナブルなコスメブランドの両方が共通して取り入れているトレンドです。蓮花の花と蝶のアートが施されたコンパクトはとても美しく、そしてキラキラ輝いており、使うのがもったいないと思うくらいです。でも、メイクベースとファンデーションは試してみましたので、後日レビューします。ザ・フェイスショップの潾(リン) シリーズについてご紹介出来ればと思いましたが、英語と日本語の情報が非常に少ないのです。この名韓 美人図 潾(リン) アートパクトをまだ日本では見かけたことが無いので、韓国のザ・フェイスショップだけで販売しているのかもしれません。
The Meikan Bijinzu (Japanese romanization) Lin Art Pact is a limited edition, 5th anniversary set from The Face Shop that includes an eyeshadow, blush, and highlighter compact, a makeup brush, and a sample of the cosmetics brand's Lin foundation (SPF20 PA++) in NB21 and makeup base (SPF20 PA++) in 01 green. The Face Shop's Lin line consists of skincare and makeup products containing traditional Chinese herbal/medicine ingredients. Using Chinese herbal/medicinal powder ingredients in product formulas is a common trend among both high-end and low-end Korean beauty brands right now. The lotus flower and butterfly art compact is so beautiful and shimmery that I have not been able to bring myself to use it. But I have tried out the makeup base and foundation which I will review another time. I wish I could tell you more about this line from The Face Shop but there is very little information available in English or Japanese. I have not seen this set in Japan so the Lin Art Pact might actually be a The Face Shop Korea-only item.
Friday, 26 June 2009
Anna Sui Live Your Dream
数週間前、アナスイのオードトワレ Live Your Dreamをお土産に貰いました。このウッディー・フローラルの香りのトップノートはユリ、ウォーターフラワー、ホワイトペッパーで、ミドルノートはジャスミン、ブルガリアンローズ、そしてラストノートはチークウッド、ムスク、トンカビーン、シダーウッドとサンダルウッドです。このフレグランスは強くも弱くもないですが、ほのかに甘くて清潔感があります。Live Your Dreamはアナスイコスメの10周年記念として発売されました。
A couple of weeks ago, I received Anna Sui's eau de Toilette Live Your Dream as a gift. The woody-floral fragrance includes top notes of lily of the valley, waterflower accord, and white pepper; middle notes of sheer jasmine and bulgarian rose; and base notes of teak wood, musk, tonka beans, cedarwood and sandalwood. It is neither powerful nor faint but a somewhat sweet and clean fragrance. Live Your Dream was released to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Anna Sui Cosmetics.
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Maquillage Full Vision Mascara & Liner
I recently acquired Shiseido Maquillage's Full Vision Mascara & Liner in VI635 which was released last month. Both the liner and the mascara are waterproof. VI635 is a beautiful deep, metallic, plum-purple shade with fine violet shimmer. The highly pigmented liquid liner takes a while to dry but once it does, it has a very pretty sparkle and works great with purple shadows and smokey-eye looks. If you have unsteady hands like me, you will probably have a difficult time applying the eyeliner at first but with some practice, it will get easier.
The Full Vision Mascara "3 Effector" brush has a very unusual shape. It has very short bristles on one side and long bristles that slope down and up on the other side. First, you are supposed to apply the mascara to your top lashes using the short bristles in an upward, sawing motion. Then you use the other side of the brush with the long, sloping bristles on all of your lashes. This side of the brush is supposed to help separate the lashes. Finally, you use the tip of the wand to apply any mascara to lashes you may have missed. Full Vision is a fiber-formula mascara that lengthens your lashes and leaves them looking beautiful and feathery. But I found that the mascara was a bit flaky and the purple color was only visible on the ends of my lashes under natural sunlight. The shape of the brush also made it more difficult for me to apply mascara to all of the my lashes, although the shimmer is a nice touch.
I purchased Maquillage's Full Vision Mascara & Liner because I was interested in the colored mascara but I find myself much more impressed with the eyeliner. I was considering purchasing the green Full Vision before I tried out the purple shade and I am just not satisfied enough with the performance of the mascara to want to buy GR534 now. If the liquid eyeliner was sold separately, I would probably get it but I do not want to pay 2625 yen for a product that I only half-use. The mascara is by no means a poor mascara but the fiber formula just not work well for me.
eye makeup,
point makeup,
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Majolica Majorca New Perfect Automatic Liner
7月21日に、資生堂のマジョリカ マジョルカは「パーフェクトオートマティックライナー」の新色7色を発売します。私はつい最近、資生堂からGR604のアイライナーを受け取りました。黒い液状のアイライナーは暗いグリーンパールを含んでいて、ライナーにフォレストグリーンの輝きを与えます。ライナーを使い始めるには、まずキャップの下にあるピンク色のストッパーを引き抜きます。そしてキャップを本体に押し込みます。それからよく振ってからキャップを取り、ペンの底にあるダイヤルをカチカチと10回ほど回してから使います。ライナーのインクが出過ぎることがあるので、まぶたにライナーを使う前にティッシュペーパーなど(私は手の甲を使いました)で筆先を整えてから使うように勧めています。2回目に使う時からはダイヤルを1〜2回だけカチカチと回して使います。
On July 21st, Shiseido's Majolica Majorca will release 7 new "Perfect Automatic Liner" shades. I recently received the eyeliner pen in GR604 from Shiseido. The black liquid eyeliner contains dark green pearls to give it a forest green shine. In order to use the liner, you must first remove the pink stopper below the cap. Then push the cap and top half of the pen into the bottom half. Finally, shake the pen, remove the cap and turn the dial at the bottom of the pen so that it clicks ten times. Since the liner ink may come gushing out, Majolica recommends lightly dabbing the tip of the pen on a tissue (I use the back of my hand) before applying the ink to your eyelid. The next time you use the pen, you only need to turn the dial once or twice to get it to work.
This was not my first experience with Majolica's eyeliner pen. A few years ago, I purchased their Automatic Liner in VI336 which was a beautiful metallic purple that I used all the time. As far as I know, the color is no longer available so I was excited when I heard that Majolica would be releasing new eyeliner colors this summer. However, the problem with the new Perfect Automatic Liner in GR604 is that the green sparkles often do not come off the pen brush so GR604 ends up looking like a regular black liner most of the time. My pen was a bit on the dry side and it took several coats of ink for the liner to show up properly on my eyes. By the end of the day, the liner had also flaked off until there was nothing left on my lid. But on the positive side, the Perfect Automatic Liner tip brush was soft and the liner was quite easy to apply, so even those who are not familiar with eyeliner pens should not have much difficulty using it. Still, I do not think that this is something I would actually purchase but I would not rule out trying some of the other Majolica non-shimmery liners out since I did have such a good experience with VI336.
eye makeup,
majolica majorca,
point makeup,
Monday, 22 June 2009
よーじや Aloe あぶらとり紙 (Oil-blotting paper)
Traditional Japanese cosmetics company Yojiya's one boutique and café in the Tokyo-area is located in Terminal 1 of the Haneda Airport. There, you can purchase their (previously overseas-only) Aloe oil-blotting paper made of natural aloe ingredients. Like all of Yojiya's blotting papers, the Aloe paper does an excellent job of absorbing oil without irritating or drying out your skin. Although, I still prefer their limited edition Yuzu paper, which is a hint smoother, the Aloe blotting paper is a nice substitute and makes a great little gift.
Unlike other Yojiya blotting papers, the blotting sheets sold at Haneda airport contain a short explanation of the origin of the aburatorigami in English. This is a wonderful idea as many people who purchase Yojiya's products at the airport plan to give them to their overseas friends as Japanese souvenirs. However, there are some problems with English text. Instead of eliminating germs, the aloe extract in their blotting paper apparently eliminates "gems." They keep referring to the "maiko women" of Japan without any explanation as to who these "maiko" women are. While most have heard of the geisha, few outside Japan are aware of the maiko. Something as simple as "maiko, geisha apprentices," or "geisha-in-training" would be helpful. There is a growing fascination with the geisha in the West and if more women found out that the geisha use/used Yojiya's products, I think the company's popularity would increase overseas.
For the most part, however, Yojiya's English is understandable and their oil-blotting products are excellent. If you ever happen to find yourself in Kyoto or Haneda/Narita/Kansai airport, you should most definitely check their stores out. They also have an online store, although I am not sure if they are still shipping overseas at the moment.
blotting paper,
sensitive skin,
Friday, 19 June 2009
Maquillage & Alexander Wang New Lip Colors
In collaboration with the young fashion designer Alexander Wang, Shiseido's Maquillage will release a new lip gloss line (Perfect Gloss) of eight colors, six new Moisture Rouge Color On shades, six new Moisture Rouge Sheer Type colors, and five new Eyes Creator 3D palettes on July 21st. I happened to receive samples of their lip gloss line and new Moisture Rouge shades.
The Perfect Gloss samples I received are PK353 and OR264, which is a Maquillage and Alexander Wang collaboration color. The glosses are very shimmery, juicy, and great for a pouty-look. They are more pigmented than I expected (I thought that they would be very sheer but they are a little more pigmented than your average gloss) and thick and heavy without being sticky. PK353 is a slightly orange-pink with fine gold shimmer. OR264 is a peach-orange shade with white sparkles and a nice lip color try for those who have always wanted to wear an orange shade but were too afraid to actually do it.
(もしモイスチャールージュの質感やクオリティに興味がある方は、この記事を読んでみて下さい。)モイスチャールージュのシアータイプであるRS721もマキアージュとアレキサンダー・ワンのコラボレートカラーです。これはパープルトープ・ブラウン色に白いキラキラが入っていて自然な感じに見せるには十分な感じの薄さですが、合う人と合わない人がいると思います。私にはちょっと地味な感じになってしまいました。モイスチャールージュ カラーオンのPK373はオレンジブラウン ピンクに黄色いスパークルが入っていて、RS721と同様に合う人と合わない人がいると思います。PK244はミディアムピンクに黄色いキラキラが入っていて、1月に発売されたマキアージュの他の色に近いです。例えば、RS304シア―タイプなどです。しかし、「クリアーフィット」RS305はハッキリした濃いフューシャ色に白いキラキラで、ファッション・フォーワードで人目をひく色です。
(If you are interested in the actual texture and quality of the Moisture Rouge lipsticks, read this post.) The Moisture Rouge Sheer Type in RS721, too, is a Maquillage and Alexander Wang collaborative color. It is a purple-taupe brown with fine white shimmer that is sheer enough to look natural but one of those colors that only works for some. It looked a bit dull on me. The Moisture Rouge Color-On in PK373 is an orange-brown pink with yellow sparkles that, like RS721, is not for everyone. PK244 is a medium-pink shade with yellow shimmer that is very similar to some of the other Maquillage shades released in January, such as the RS304 sheer type. "Clear Fit" RS305, however, is a bold deep-fuchsia with white shimmer that is both fashion-forward and eye-catching.
1月に出たマキアージュ リップカラーはとても無難な色で、ちょっと面白みのない色でしたが、RS305は全てを一新したと思います。マキアージュがコレクションにこの力強いカラーを追加してくれたことが嬉しいので、早く手に入れたいと思います。試したリップグロスカラーにはあまり興味がありませんでしたが、他のアレキサンダー・ワンとのコラボレートカラー(PK445、RD536、RS587)が来月発売になるみたいです。
Last January, I found the Maquillage lip colors to be very safe and somewhat boring but I think RS305 has changed everything for me. I am so happy that Maquillage had decided to add a very strong color to their collection and I cannot wait till I get my hands on the lipstick. Even though the lip gloss shades I tested did not really interest me, it does look like there will be some exciting Alexander Wang lip gloss colors (PK445, RD536, RS587) coming out next month.
lip gloss,
point makeup,
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Yves Saint Laurent Gloss PUR
Yves Saint Laurent's award-winning lip gloss, Gloss Pur, has a thick but very smooth consistency. Well-pigmented, shiny and sparkle-free, Pur is a luxurious lip color product that is perfect for anyone aiming for an elegant look. I purchased the gloss in 04 Pure Raspberry, the shade I mentioned in my post about the magazine 25ans, and 05 Pure Fuchsia. Though 04 looks like a hot salmon-pink shade and 05 appears to be a particularly deep color in the bottle, 04 really does turn out raspberry on the lips and 05 is a beautiful fuchsia as it is named. I really do not see how anyone could not fall in love with these glosses and my only complaint is that they are quite expensive. In Japan, a single Gloss Pur costs 3465 yen but I was able to purchase the glosses (duty-free) in Korea for about 2400 yen each.
lip gloss,
point makeup,
yves saint laurent
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Jill Stuart Blotting Paper N and Case
Along with the Jelly Eye Color in Crystal Sky, I also purchased Jill Stuart's Blotting Paper N and case from their new summer collection. The soft case is 1,800 yen and comes with 70 sheets of oil-blotting paper. Refills of the oil-blotting paper cost 525 yen and come in packs of 70 sheets. The case works much like a tissue case in that it allows you to pull one blotting paper sheet out at a time.
Blotting Paper N is the hard, powder-type blotting paper that is actually much thinner that most other powder-types. However, I find that the paper feels a little rough and the powder formula leaves my skin dry. I would not recommend this paper to anyone with dry or sensitive skin. The case, however, is charming and comes with a mirror which is quite useful, so I am not completely disappointed with my purchase. If you are a Jill Stuart fan, the Blotting Paper N case makes a nice, inexpensive item to add to your collection. But if you are looking for some quality oil-blotting paper, I would urge you to consider Yojiya's Yuzu paper.
blotting paper,
jill stuart,
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Jill Stuart Jelly Eye Color N in 08 Crystal Sky
6月5日にジルスチュアートのサマーコレクションが発売になり、ジェリーアイカラーNの10色が新しく出ました。自分はジルのサマーキャペンのためにモデルが使っているパープルのジェリーアイカラーの08 クリスタルスカイを買いました。ジェリーのシャドウはとても「ジェリー」っぽくて、みずみずしいです。アイシャドウとして使ってもいいですし、他のシャドウのベースとしても使えます。クリスタルスカイはかなり発色が良いので、そんなに使わなくてもいいですし、色の強弱をジェリーの使う量によってコントロールできます。シャドウはすぐに乾きますのでメイクしやすいです。ジェリーに入っているピュアクリスタルパウダーはキラキラがとても多く、クリスタルスカイには白い輝きと紫の輝きがあるので、その時々でジェリーの色が変化して見えます。自然光の下ではシャドウがもっとモデルと同じ感じのパープル系になり、屋内ではもっと濃い紫っぽいグレーな感じがします。ジェリーは薔薇の香りがしますが、全く目をヒリヒリさせませんでした。クリスタルスカイは初めてのジルのジェリーアイカラーでしたが非常に満足できたので、他の色も使ってみたいと思います。税込2,310円でデパートのコスメブランドのクリームシャドウとしては結構普通の値段です。
On June 5th, Jill Stuart Cosmetics released its 2009 Summer Collection including 10 all-new Jelly Eye Colors. I purchased the Jelly Eye Color N in 08 Crystal Sky which is the same purple shadow that the model is wearing in Jill's summer campaign. The jelly shadow is very "jelly-like" and cool on the eyes. You can use it as a single eyeshadow or as a shadow base. Crystal Sky is quite pigmented so a little goes a long way and you can control the intensity of the jelly by increasing the amount of it you apply to your lid. The shadow also dries immediately so it is quite easy to build or layer upon it. The pure crystal powder in the eye color contains a lot of sparkle and Crystal Sky has both white and purple shimmer that will change the shade of the jelly depending on where you are. Under natural light, the shadow has a more purplish appearance somewhat similar to what you see on the model but inside, under a yellow light, the shadow has a deep, purplish-grey hue. The jelly has a rose scent but the fragrance has not irritated my eyes, at all. Crystal Sky was my first Jelly Eye Color purchase and I am so pleased that I would like to try out some of the other shades. With tax, a single Jelly Eye Color is 2,310 yen which is pretty standard for a department store brand cream shadow.
eye makeup,
jill stuart,
point makeup,
Monday, 15 June 2009
Back ただいま戻りました
Friday, 5 June 2009
Coffret D'Or Juicy Memory Rouge Lipstick
I recently received a sample palette of the Juicy Memory Rouge lipsticks from Kanebo's Coffret D'or. On the 16th of this month, Coffret D'or will release a new range of lipsticks containing a mix of wax, moisturizing agents, and "fixing" (setting and sticking) ingredients to provide long lasting color and shine. Juicy Memory Rouge will come in 12 different colors in pink, red, rose, beige, and orange shades. The sample included PK-242, PK-244, RD0180, RS-355, BE-186, and OR-104. On the Coffret D'Or website, spokes model Kou Shibasaki is wearing PK-244, Keiko Kitakawa is wearing PK-242, and Takako Tokiwa is sporting the RD-180 shade.
I was expecting the lipsticks to be sheer but the Juicy Memory Rouge lipsticks are quite pigmented. The texture and colors remind me of Maquillage's Moisture Rouge in that both are very sparkly, smooth, and glossy but the Juicy Memory Rouge lip colors are brighter and more waxy in composition. My favourite colors are PK-242 (a bright, almost hot pink) and RS-255 (a deep rose, slightly purplish shade). Despite having different base colors, RD-180 and BE-186 look very similar and have a reddish-brown hue while PK-244 is a pink-orange color. The star of the palette is OR-194, which is a very bright coral orange that would look stunning on anyone who could pull off an orange lip color. All of the colors seem work-appropriate but they do contain a lot of shimmer. I have never paid much attention to Coffret D'Or makeup line but I was pleasantly surprised by Juicy Memory Rouge . 3150 yen.
coffret d'or,
point makeup,
Thursday, 4 June 2009
FANCL Highlight Color in 01 White Mix
Although FANCL's blush in Pink Bronze is a very sheer powder, the cosmetics company's "highlight color" in 01 White Mix is somewhat more pigmented. Once applied, the incredibly soft powder completely melts into your skin, leaving you with a pearly white glow. White Mix also contains a fair amount of shimmer, perhaps more than the cheek colors. The highlighter should be applied to the T-zone and/or under the eyes to brighten your look.
White Mix did a really great job masking my rosacea without looking unnatural. However, the highlight color comes in the same size case as the FANCL blush which is even smaller than a mono eyeshadow from NARS. Another downside to White Mix is that, by the end of the day, the highlighter sinks into my pores, making them look even larger than they actually are, and develops an almost greasy shine. I did not face the same problems with FANCL's Lucent Face Powder in Hanamurasaki but the Lucent Powder is a loose powder with a lavender hue and the White Mix highlighter has a smoother and creamier texture. Nevertheless, the Highlight Color in White Mix is still a decent pearly face powder that is non-irritating and only 950 yen.
point makeup,
sensitive skin
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
FANCL Cheek Color in Pink Bronze
I had a coupon for FANCL's online store that was going to expire by the end of last month so I decided to use it and order the FANCL "cheek color" (blush) in Pink Bronze and the highlighter in White Mix. On the Japanese FANCL website, the Pink Bronze blush looks significantly lighter than the blush in Rose Pink, which is why I went with that face color, but in the mail order catalog, the Rose Pink shade seems a little lighter. All of the face/cheek colors look very different on the English FANCL site, too. I have not had the opportunity to see the other blushes in person but I can say that the Pink Bronze shade most closely resembles what you see on the Japanese website.
チークカラーはとても小さなプラスチックケースに入っていて、開けるのが少し面倒でした。やっと開けたと思ったら爪がパウダーに入ってしまって、めちゃくちゃになりまし た。チークカラーがとても小さいため、上手くブラシに付けにくかったです。パウダー自体はとても柔らかくて細かく、非常にシアで少し綺麗なキラキラが 入っていました。すぐに肌と馴染んで自然にほんのり日焼けしたように見えました。ファンケルのハイライターと一緒に使ってみたら、なんとかロゼケアが皮膚病というよりただの自然な赤さに見えました。ファンケルの チークカラーの品質は結構良くて低刺激ですが、ピンクブロンズがあまりにも薄いのでOC01より黒い肌では色が見えないと思 います。でも、このチークパウダーはとてもお手頃な値段で、たったの950円です。ローズピンク色にとても興味がありますので、もしかしたら今月にそのカ ラーを手に入れてレビューをするかもしれません。ファンケルもスキニーピーチというピーチ・黄色のチークカラーを出しています。
The cheek color comes in a very small plastic case and I had some trouble getting it open. When I finally did, I accidentally sank my fingernails into the powder and got it all over the place. Because the blush was so small, I also had a hard time getting the cheek color powder on my brush. The powder itself was incredibly soft and fine, and very sheer with a pretty but subtle shimmer. It instantly blended into my skin and gave it a sun-kissed look. I used it with the highlighter (which I will review next) and the two somehow made it look as though my rosacea was just a natural flush. The quality of FANCL's blush is quite good and non-irritating but the cheek color is so incredibly sheer that I doubt it will show up on anyone beyond an OC01. However, the great thing about FANCL's cheek powder is that it is completely affordable at 950 yen. I am very interested in the Rose Pink shade now so perhaps I will get my hands on it and review it sometime later this month. FANCL also offers the cheek color in Skinny Peach which is a more peach-yellow based shade.
point makeup,
sensitive skin
Monday, 1 June 2009
Missha Shiny B.B. Cream
I finally got the chance to try out the Shiny B.B Cream sample that came with the Missha Skincare set I bought two weeks back. Missha is a Korean cosmetics brand with stores across Japan. Unlike most B.B Creams, Missha's Shiny B.B Cream contains tiny white pearls that give off a pretty sparkle. When I tested the B.B cream, I found that it was quite dark and although B.B. creams are supposed to blend with your skin color, I think you need to be, at least, an OC02 in order for the cream to work for you. However, anyone beyond an OC04 might find the cream to be too light for their skin tone, as well.
When I first applied the B.B cream to my face, it had a slightly orange hue that later turned into an ashy-clay color. The coverage was light to medium and the cream felt somewhat similar to a regular liquid foundation but maybe a bit lighter. It was smooth and spread evenly across my face. The sparkling pearls were also incredibly fine and did not dry out my skin but I'm personally not a fan of sparkles in foundation or makeup bases. I prefer highlighting specific areas with pearly powder instead of covering my whole face in shimmer and the Shiny B.B cream contains lots of pretty white shimmer. After a while, my face did feel a bit itchy and prickly but I think sensitive skin just doesn't go very well with B.B creams in general. In conclusion, the Missha Shiny B.B cream was an adequate base makeup product but many will probably have trouble with the color of the cream.
b.b cream,
base makeup,
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