Thursday, 30 April 2009

Back in Business! 復活!


I've been insanely busy with work this week and was unable to update this blog. I haven't properly slept in three days and too tired to write a review today. However, I have lots of products to share with you and promise to return to regularly posting reviews starting tomorrow.

Products to expect:

-Sonia Rykiel Pencil Eyeliner
-Sonia Rykiel Foundation
-Lancome Color Fever Gloss
-Cosme Decorte Lipstick
-Versaillesの薔薇 Face Masks
-美肌一族 Chocolate mask (Bihada Ichizoku)
-美肌一族 Perfect Box Set (Bihada Ichizoku)
-d Program Mask
-Suqqu Skincare
-Revital Granas Skincare
-Asience shampoo

See you tomorrow!

Saturday, 25 April 2009

Mineral Boutique

Are any of you outside Japan able to view Mineral Boutique's homepage?

I haven't had any luck accessing their website. I wanted to check out their foundation and blush shades but I cannot even email them due to their site not loading.

チャツバキ(Chatsubaki) Kaori Face Pack


Chatsubaki's Kaori Face Pack is a sensitive skin friendly face mask made of a green tea powder mix free of parabens, preservatives, alcohol, artificial dyes and fragrance. As I have said before, green tea has many beneficial proprieties and has been known to brighten and clear skin of impurities. The green tea is cultivated at an organic tea farm in Sunagawa, Shizuoka prefecture where pesticides are not used. The mask ingredients consist of dextrin, tea leaves, corn starch, honey, hyaluronic acid and Coenzyme Q10. The masks are sold in packs of two and twelve. You can order directly from Chatsubaki's website or do what I did and purchase the masks at Ginza Hands.


The mask set of two comes with a mixing container resembling a natsume (green tea caddy) and a measuring spoon. Simply pour the powder into the container, add two spoonfuls of water to the mix and stir until the you have a thick and even consistency. You then apply the goopy mix, which can get a little messy, to the face with your fingers. Thankfully, despite its liquid texture, the mix stays on the skin once applied so there is no need to worry that it will drip onto your clothes. After two or three minutes the mask should removed with water. When I applied the formula to my face, I could feel it immediately tighten my skin. After I washed it off, my skin (temporarily) had a slight green tinge which is completely normal according to Chatsubaki. However, my face was noticeably brighter and less red and my complexion seemed clearer. My skin was a little itchy in places where I had not properly washed off the mask but I took better care the second time and did not experience any irritation. All and all, I enjoyed using the Kaori Face Pack and would like to include it in my regular skincare routine. I am kind of curious as to whether regular macha powder would produce the same results but I will stick to Chatsubaki for now. A set of two masks costs 650 yen and comes with a mixing bowl and measuring spoon. A pack of 12 masks costs 2100 yen includes a measuring spoon but the containter is sold

Friday, 24 April 2009

100th Blog Post (100回目のブログエントリー)

♡It's my 100th blog post!♡


もうすぐブログを初めて半年になります。時間が経つのは早いですね。上のカップケーキはロンドンのNotting Hill Cakes & Giftsの物です。可愛いでしょう。今大丸東京で期間限定で売っています。また後で新しいレビューをアップしますので少々お待ちください。

The blog will be reaching its sixth-month mark soon, too. Time flies. The cupcakes in the picture above came from London's Notting Hill Cakes & Gifts. You can find them at Daimaru Tokyo for a limited time. I will be posting a new product review shortly.

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Magie Deco Fairy Eyes in Cerulean Spray (BL951)

マジーデコフェアリーアイズはアイライナーとアイシャドウとして使われるようなリキッドアイカラーで16色あります。先週リリースされたフェアリーアイズのカラーはIlluminate Bay (BE352)、 Frozen Sunshine (YE550)とCerulean Spray (BL951)でした。私は夏のルック「スプラッシュクールネス」に使われたCerulean Sprayを手に入れました。

Magie Deco's Fairy Eyes is a liquid eye color that can be used as both an eyeliner and eyeshadow and comes in sixteen different shades. The Fairy Eyes colors released last week include Illuminate Bay (BE352), Frozen Sunshine (YE550), and Cerulean Spray (BL951). Cerulean Spray, the shade I picked up, was used to complete Magie Deco's "Splash Coolness" look for the summer.

フェアリーアイズを正しく付けるためには、少し技術lが必要です。自分は初めて付けようとした時にまつ毛にこぼしてしまいました。ポイントはブラシにそんなにリキッドを付けないようにすることと、目蓋の下にあんまり近付けないことです。リキッドは結構すぐに乾燥するのですが、色々なところに付着しないように気を付けた方がいいです。付けるとCerulean Sprayの色はマジーデコのサイトで紹介されているものに近く、そして(上の写真に見える)ボトルに入ってる色に近いです。とても見事なパールの様なライトブルーで、青と緑のキラキラが入っています。黒い肌にはとてもハッキリみえる色ですが、明るい肌にはもう少し落ち着いて見えます。もちろん、それも美しいです。ライトブルーの色が少し明るい・大胆過ぎるならリキッドを少し伸ばすと、とても綺麗で輝いている白いクリームシャドウが作れます。私のフェアリーアイズに対する印象はとても良かったので、他の色も試してみたいと思います。税込2,625円で、他のデパートブランドのクリームシャドウやリキッドライナーと変わらないのでお得だと思います。マジーデコのフェアリーアイズを試したことがまだ無い方は、次の買い物として考えることをお勧めします。

Fairy Eyes takes some skill to apply correctly. The first time I tried to apply the liquid, I got it all over my eyelashes. The key is to get a small amount of liquid on the brush and not to draw it too close to the bottom of the lid. The liquid dries fairly quickly but you do have to be careful not to get it everywhere. On the eyes, the Cerulean Spray color closely resembles what is presented on Magie Deco's website and how it looks in the bottle (as you can see in the above picture). It is a beautiful light blue with a very pearly finish and blue and green shimmer. It is a color that will really stand out on darker skin tones but will still look lovely on lighter skin tones, too. It also works very well with the new Shadow Brilliance in Soda Pop. If the blue shade is too bright or dazzling for you, you can also smudge the the liquid to create a sparkly, white cream eyeshadow. My positive experience with Fairy Eyes has left me wanting to try out other Fair Eyes Shades and the price of 2,625 yen including tax is comparable to cream shadows and liquid eyeliners from other department store brands. If you have not had a chance to try Magie Deco's Fairy Eyes, you should consider making it your next purchase.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Magie Deco Shadow Brilliance in Soda Pop (023)

先週、コスメデコルテのマジーデコから夏のポイントメイクコレクションがリリースされました。私は新しいシャドウブリリアンスのSoda Pop(023)フェアリーアイズのCerulean Spray(BL951)を買いました。この「スプラッシュクールネス」コレクションは良い点しか見当たりません。この商品は今シーズン私が手に入れた物の中で一番良い製品だと思います。まだ新しいシャドウブリリアンスやフェアリーアイズを手に入れていない方はすぐに注文した方がいいと思います。絶対に後悔しません!

Last week, Cosme Decorte's Magie Deco released their point makeup collection for the summer. I acquired the new Shadow Brilliance in Soda Pop (023) and Fairy Eyes in Cerulean Spray (BL951). I have only nice things to say about the "Splash Coolness" collection and these new products are probably my most favourite makeup purchases of the season. If you have yet to put in your order for the new Shadow Brilliance or Fairy Eyes, do it now and you will not regret it!

Soda Popのシャドウブリリアンスは写真で見るよりも実物の方が美しく、目に付けるともっと美しいです。パウダーは細かく発色が良くて、とてもいい品質で作られています。パレットには空の様なブルーとライトブルー、薄い黄色、茶色そしてゴールドが入っています。目に付けると色はマジーデコのサイトのモデルのメイクにとても近くて、もう少し明るい感じです。自分はあんまりキラキラしたメイクが好きではないですが、青い色のシャドウはとても素晴らしい輝きがあって、海面に反射した太陽の光を思い出させます。控えめな感じですが、みごとな美しさです。一番発色していないシャドウは茶色と黄色のパウダーですが、発色のよいブルーのベースとして使います。パレットの色は明るい〜まあまあ明るい肌の方に向いていると思います。もっと濃い肌の方にはブリリアントの素晴らしさが少し出にくいかもしれません。(でもフェアリーアイズはまた別なので落ち込まないでください。)パレットは本当に新鮮で、人目を引くシャドウのコレクションなので、もしかしたら今年一番の新ポイントメイク商品かもしれません。

Soda Pop looks more striking in person and breathtaking on the eyes. The powder is very fine, well-pigmented and of superior quality. The eye shadows include a sky-blue, light blue, pale yellow, brown, and gold shadow. On the eyes, the shades look almost exactly like how they do on the model on Magie Deco's website but perhaps a hint lighter. Normally, I do not care for sparkly makeup but the blue hues in the palette have the most beautiful shimmer like sunlight reflecting on the ocean, subdued and yet absolutely gorgeous. The least pigmented of the shadows are the brown and yellow shades but they should be used as a base to the more pigmented shadows. I do think that the palette colors are more suited for medium to light skintones and may not appear as brilliant on darker skintones. (But do not lose hope --Fairy Eyes in Cerulean Spray, which I will review tomorrow, is a completely different story.) Shadow Brilliance in Soda Pop is a fresh, dazzling, eye-catching palette that may quite possibly be one of the best point makeup products offered this season.

Monday, 20 April 2009

Nintendo 大人のDS顔トレーニング (Facening)


Nintendo's Otona no DS Kao Training (Face Training for Adults) is a face training software game for NDS Lite that includes a video camera to record your facial expressions as you exercise your face. Much like Fumiko's facial yoga, DS Kao Training works facial muscles to reduce fat, tighten skin and increase elasticity. In addition to warm ups and and face tests, there are sixteen different facial exercises offered in the game. You can create your own exercise program tailored to your needs and target specific problem areas that give you concern.


The facial exercises in DS Kao Training are simple yet surprisingly intense. The camera not only allows you to see yourself as you do the exercises but also takes and saves screen captures on your DS while you are training. This allows you to track your progress and check the accuracy of your facial expressions during the exercises. What is most amazing about Otona no DS Kao Training is that the camera can actually scan and identify your individual facial features and let you know exactly how high to raise your eyebrows or how far you should move your lips back. The game can also test and rate the accuracy of your facial movements, providing you with a score of 0 to 100%.

任天堂の大人のDS顔トレーニングを文美子さんのフェイシャルヨガと比べると、文美子さんのエクササイズはもっと顔用のピラティスといった感じで、DS顔トレーニングの方が顔のためのヨガみたいな物に近いと思います。文美子さんは表情筋の動きを中心としていますが、DS顔トレーニングはその筋肉のポジションとコントロールを強調しています。フェイシャルヨガよりDSのゲームをしている時の方が、より筋肉の働きを感じますが、両方ともそれぞれ違うトレーニングなので、どっちの方が良いかどうかはハッキリとは言えません。文美子さんのフェイシャルヨガのDVDでは身体の動きまで組み入れられていますが、DS顔トレーニングは顔だけです。この任天堂のゲームのテクノロジーはとても感動的ですが、価格は1500円(Amazon Japanから)という大バーゲンセール商品です(秋葉原では900円で売っているお店も見たことがあります)。表情筋のエクササイズをする方は絶対に手に入れないとダメだと思います。ただひとつ不満な点は、NDSライトのみで新しいNDS iモデルでは使えません。任天堂がこの問題をなんとか解消してくれることを祈っています。

If I were to compare Nintendo's DS Kao Training to Fumiko's Facial Yoga, I would say that Fumiko's facial exercises are in fact more like a form of facial Pilates whereas DS Kao Training is yoga for the face. Fumiko emphasizes the actual movement of muscles while DS Kao Training focuses on the position and control of muscles and holding facial expressions in place. I feel my facial muscles work much harder during the DS game but each takes such a different approach to face training that it is hard to say which is better. Fumiko incorporates full body movements in her Facial Yoga DVD while DS Kao Training is centered solely on the face. However, the technology of Nintendo's game is very impressive and for 1500 yen (through Amazon Japan), Otona no DS Kao Training is a complete steal. (I have even seen the game on sale for 900 yen in Akihabara.) This is something you absolutely must have if you are someone who practices face training. My only complaint is that the game is not compatible with the newer NDS models but hopefully Nintendo will do something to remedy this problem.

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Lancôme Juicy Tubes P.U.R.E in Authentic Lavender

4月10日にランコムジューシーチューブ P.U.R.E.(Premium Unique Raw Elements)を日本で先行リリースしました。ジューシーチューブ P.U.R.E.はオーガニックなリップグロスでナチュラル抽出オイルとシアバターから作られています。普通のランコムのジューシーチューブ に似ていますが、P.U.R.Eの方がグリッターが少なくてもっとグロッシー、そして環境に優しい容器に入っています。日本で発売されている色は110 オーセンティック ラベンダー、111 バイタル マンダリン、112 フレッシュ ミント ティー、113 ジェニュイン トマト、114 ピュア セサミと115 ジャスト トーフです。

On the 10th of April, Lancôme released Juicy Tubes P.U.R.E. (Premium Unique Raw Elements) in Japan. Juicy Tubes P.U.R.E is an organic lip gloss made from naturally derived oils and shea butter. Though somewhat similar to the regular Lancôme Juicy Tubes, P.U.R.E. is more glossy, less sparkly and comes in an environmentally friendly carton. Shades available in Japan are 110 Authentic Lavender, 111 Vital Mandarin, 112 Fresh Mint Tea, 113 Genuine Tomato, 114 Pure Sesame and 115 Just Tofu.

110 オーセンティック ラベンダーは、ほとんどシアなグロスで薄いラベンダーピンク色のツヤがあります。ピンクでキラキラしたパールがグロスに綺麗な光りを与えます。パールが普通のジューシーチューブより少なく細かいので、P.U.R.E.の方がスムーズで控えめなグロスです。リップグロスは付ける時にちょっとベタベタしますが、唇に落ち着くとベタベタがなくなります。 オーセンティック ラベンダーはしょうがとアールグレイの香りがして、味もアールグレイのような感じがします。もっとキラキラした物が欲しい方には普通のジューシーチューブの方が良いと思いますが、とてもグロッシーでシャイニーなグロスが欲しい方にはP.U.R.E.の方が良いかもしれません。ジューシーチューブは値段が少し高いし、シアーな発色が気に入らない方が多いかもしれません。でもランコムのブランドのファンなら、絶対に見逃さない方が良いと思います。自分はオーセンティック ラベンダーが好きで、プレゼントで貰ってから使っています。

110 Authentic Lavender is a mostly sheer gloss with a pale lavender-pink sheen. Sparkly pink pearls give the gloss a pretty shimmer. Because the pearls are fewer and finer than the sparkles in the regular Juicy Tubes, P.U.R.E is a much smoother and more subtle gloss. Though a little bit sticky upon application, the gloss loses its stickiness after setting into the lips. Authentic Lavender smells like a combination of ginger and Earl Grey and its natural flavor tastes a bit like Earl Grey tea. For sparkle, I would go with the regular Juicy Tubes but if you are looking for a super glossy product with a pearly shine, P.U.R.E may be the right lip gloss for you. The price and the lack of pigmentation of the Juicy Tubes may deter some from acquiring the gloss but if you are Lancôme junkie, you probably do not want to pass this product up. I really like Authentic Lavender and have been using it since I got it.

小学館 FAnet Club-F



Friday, 17 April 2009

ダイソー Vita White Facial Essence Mask Pack

二日前にブロガーで少し問題がありまして、私のブログはスパムと間違えられてアップ出来ませんでした。幸いにもブロガーがすぐに直してくれたのでもう大丈夫です。En in Tokyoにアップ出来なかった分を週末にアップし直したいと思います。今週リリースされた美肌一族のチョコレートシートマスクも手に入れてレビューしたいと思います。

There was a slight glitch with Blogger two days ago and my blog was mistakenly flagged for spam. Thankfully, Blogger fixed everything right away and now I'm back. I will be updating En in Tokyo on the weekend to make up for lost time.

先週末にダイソーでシートマスクを2つ買いました。1つのマスクはVita Whiteのフェイシャルエッセンスマスクパックで、もう1つはアロエのパックです。マスクは各100円で世界のシートマスク市場のトップを走る韓国産でした。材料を見たら成分にエタノールが入っていることに気付き、少し心配になりましたが、とりあえずVita Whiteの、アロエエキス、イチョウエキス、アルブチンエキスが入っているビタミンCのパックを使ってみました。パッケージを開けたらとても強いアルコールの匂いがして心配になりました。パックは20~30分間顔に貼るのですが、2~3分経ったところで顔がヒリヒリしてきたので、すぐにVita Whiteをはがして顔を洗いました。パックが肌を焼くように刺激して、顔がとても赤かったです。赤みを冷やすためにインナーシグナルのリジュブネイトエキスちふれのマスクNを付けました。次の日には顔が大分良くなりましたが、小さな赤い凹凸が顔中にありまして、ロゼケアももっと酷くなっていました。このパックはお勧め出来ませんし、アロエのパックも試す気は全くないですが、皆さんのためにアロエシートマスクの成分のスキャン画像を載せます。これは今までで一番酷いシートマスクの経験でした。

I picked up two sheet masks from the local Daiso (Japan's 100 yen shop) over the weekend. One was the Vita White Facial Essence Mask Pack and the other was the Aloe Mask. The masks were 100 yen each and made in Korea, the sheet mask capital of the world. I was a little worried when I saw ethanol in the mask ingredients but decided to go ahead and try Vita White, a Vitamin C mask containing orange extract, ginkgo and arbutin. When I opened the package, I noticed a very strong-alcohol smell which made me nervous. Although the mask is supposed to be worn for 20-30 minutes, my face began to sting after two or three minutes. I immediately removed Vita White and washed off any remaining extract. It had burned my face and my skin was extremely red. I applied InnerSignal's Rejuvenate Extract and put on Chifure's Mask N to tone down the redness and calm my skin. Although my face was much better the following morning, it was covered in tiny red bumps and my rosacea had worsened. I cannot recommend this mask and I do not feel comfortable enough to try the Aloe sheet mask but I will post a scan of the ingredients for your benefit. This was, by far, the worse sheet mask experience I have ever had.

(In other sheet mask news, Bihada Ichizoku's new Chocolate Sheet Mask was released this week.)

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Parado Sakura Veil Lip N


Parado is a budget beauty brand sold in 711 convenience stores across Japan. The cosmetics brand includes point makeup, base makeup, and lip care items. I recently got my hands on Parado's Sakura Veil Lip N which is a moisturizing chapstick containing cherry blossom extract (for hydration), ginseng extract (to moisturize), and vitamin E to protect the lips.


Sakura Veil Lip N comes in a pretty pink case. The chapstick itself is pale pink as well and tiny pink sparkles give it a pearly shine on the lips. Some people have mistakenly assumed that it is a tinted chapstick but Lip N is completely sheer. The product is fragrance-free but does smell of cherry blossoms due to the cherry blossom extract. While it does not heal cracked lips nor provide the kind of protection that Shiseido's Ferzea Lip and TIFFA's Treatment Lip Balm offer, it is very moist and hydrating. You also can wear it over a matte lipstick to give your lips a little shine. But the main appeal of Sakura Veil Lip N is that it is a cute product that comes in an even more adorable container. There are many other lip care items out there that perform better at a lower price and I can only recommend this product for its packaging. 730 yen, tax included.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Shiseido Elixir Superieur Skin Refining Cleanser


On Feburary 21st, Shiseido's Elixir Superieur released the Skin Refining Cleanser, a new facial wash that is supposed to emulate the spa-facial experience. As with all of Elixir Superieur's products, the Skin Refining Cleanser contains collagen and elastin extract for skin brightness and elasticity. Additionally, the wash has a mixture of clay from Italy's Piedmont (Piemonte) region, vegetable cellulose, and a very fine powder to remove dead skin, unclog pores, and minimize impurities. For optimal results, according to Shiseido, the facial wash should be used no more than twice a week .


The cleanser has a thick, mud-like appearance that does remind you of the facial products used at spas. It also has a pleasant fragrance that smells like verbena. Though the Skin Refining Cleanser contains exfoliating beads, the beads are few so the facial wash is much gentler than most other exfoliating products. With a cherry-size amount of the facial wash, you make tiny circles across the face, gently massaging the facial soap against your wet skin. My face felt incredibly clean after using the Skin Refining Cleanser and my skin was much smoother, too. Though fragrance was not irritating, my skin did become a little dry as the facial wash is a heavy-duty cleanser . Because it is only used twice a week, it should not dry out your face too much even if you suffer from dry, sensitive skin. I could see myself using this product once a week or maybe once every two weeks, especially when I feel like my face needs some deep cleaning. Exilir Superieur's Sking Refining Cleanser is 2,625 yen including tax, a very reasonable price for a spa-like product.

Monday, 13 April 2009

IKKOさんの キレイの魔法

去年の夏、日本の一番人気メイクアップ・アーティストのIKKOさんはメイクとスキンケアの本“キレイの魔法”を出版しました。“キレイの魔法”にはメイ クのハウツー、美のアドバイス、そしてお勧めの商品紹介が掲載されています。本の最初の部分では一般的なメイクの仕方、例えば美しい自然なルックの肌に見 せるファンデーションの使い方、そして特定のテクニックと色を使ってクチュール・ルックを作る方法などが紹介されています。本の中盤ではQ&A形 式でIKKOさんがパーティーメイクやヌードリップなど、様々なビューティーのアドバイスをします。最後の部分ではメイクとスキンケアのオススメ商品に加 えて、自分の好きなサロンやスイーツ、そして日本にあるスパの紹介をしています。

Last summer, Japan's most popular makeup artist IKKO released a makeup and skincare book titled "Kirei no Mahou" (The Magic of Beauty/The Magic Behind Beauty). Kirei no Mahou includes makeup how-tos, beauty advice, and product recommendations. The beginning of the book is devoted to general makeup application, such as how to apply foundation for beautiful, natural-looking skin and how to attain different couture "looks" using specific makeup techniques and colors. The following section of Kirei no Mahou takes on a question and answer format where Ikko imparts beauty advice on party makeup, nude lips, and much more. In the final section of the book, in addition to makeup and skincare product recommendations, Ikko shares some of his favourite salons, sweets, and spas all located in Japan.

IKKOさんは本のメインモデルとしてレイチェル・ローズを起用しており、その起用は大正解だと思います。なぜなら、レイチェルはハイファッション・モデ ルという感じではなく、身近にいそうな女の子っぽい印象なので、読者の女性に受け入れられやすくなっていると感じたからです。また、レイチェルがそれぞれ のルックでとても違った印象を見せ、IKKOさんの“魔法”を使ってさらに凄く美しくなっていくのが見られて興味深いです。 

I think Ikko was very in clever in choosing Rachel Rhodes as the main model for his book. Rachel looks more like the girl next door than a high fashion model and this makes her far more relatable to the average woman. It is also very interesting to see just how different she looks with each "look" and how striking she can be with a touch of Ikko's magic.


What I also like about the book are the product recommendations. For those on a budget, Kirei no Mahou has a small section on affordable makeup products all under 2000 yen. If NARS is too expensive for you, Ikko suggests trying one of Love Clover's blushes. You don't need to spend a lot of money in order to own quality beauty products.


Overall, Ikko's Kirei no Mahou is a nice introduction to makeup and skincare beauty. Ikko's tips and suggestions are very helpful and most of the products he recommends are very accessible. If you are looking for more specific makeup techniques and advanced makeup application, this is probably not the book you are seeking. But if you're completely new to makeup and want to get your feet wet, Kirei no Mahou might be the right beauty guide for you. I purchased my book through Amazon Japan but you may also find Kirei no Mahou at your local Japanese bookstore. 1400 yen including tax.

Thursday, 9 April 2009

SUQQU Extra Off Cleansing Milk


SUQQU offers four different makeup removers in their skincare line. When I purchased the Contour Shadow in Kasumizakara, I received a sample of the Extra Off Cleansing Milk. This cleansing makeup remover is massaged over the face where makeup has been used and can be wiped off with a sponge or washed off with warm water.


The Extra Off Cleansing Milk is a milk-type cleansing gel with a very faint soapy fragrance that is hard to describe. Some reviewers have complained that the milk does not do a very good job of removing makeup but I have noticed that all of these people chose to wipe off the remover. I used warm water to wash away the cleansing milk and it did an excellent job of removing my eye makeup. There was no trace of my waterproof Hypnôse mascara left and I did not have any mysterious dark spots under my eyes. The mild fragrance did not irritate my skin, either. The Extra Off Cleansing Milk was also incredibly gentle on my skin and left it very clean and hydrated. It is not foamy at all, which I realize some will not like but a cleanser does not have to be foamy to do its job well. SUQQU also offers an Extra Off Cleansing Gel which is thinner than the milk and an Extra Off Cleansing Cream which is, of course, thicker than the cleansing milk. One 150mL bottle costs 4,200 yen including tax. Once again, SUQQU proves itself to be a cosmetics brand of high quality.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

ちふれ 美容液 Sheet Mask N

ちふれの美容液シートマスクNは肌に潤いを与える物で、アルコールフリー無香料・無着色なので乾燥肌や敏感肌の方に良いです。ヒアルロン酸とトレハロースという高い保水力を持つグルコースと酸化防止剤 です。洗顔と美容液を付けた後にマスクを密着し、10分後にはずします。残った美容液は肌に馴染ませます。メイクする前や乳液・クリームを付ける前に使えます。

Chifure's Biyoueki Sheet Mask N is a mask to hydrate the skin and ideal for dry and/or sensitive skin types. It is alcohol-free, fragrance-free and free of artificial dyes. It contains hyaluronic acid and trehalose, a sugar and antioxidant with high water retention capabilities. After washing your face and applying a toner, the mask is worn for ten minutes and any extract left on the face should be gently massaged into the skin. It can be worn right before you put on your makeup or right before you apply your skincare lotion or cream.


Mask N is somewhat smaller than the average sheet mask. The eye and mouth holes are particularly small and it took me a while to get my lips through the mouth hole despite their (my lips) average size. The mask is not dripping with extract unlike most other masks but it is also less likely to get all over your clothes. It is gentle and soothing, and smooths out your skin. I think it will also increase the performance of your toner if you use one. Once you remove the mask, the extract dries quickly and leaves no sticky residue. The results are subtle and it is hard to say whether Mask N has any positive long term effects but it is one of few masks that does not contain irritating ingredients like alcohol or talc. If you suffer from rosacea or some other skin disease, this might be gentle enough for you. It eased my redness and softened my cheeks that have uneven texture due to rosacea. A pack of four sheet masks costs only 798 yen including tax, which is about 200 yen per mask.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

ちふれ (Chifure) 口紅S (Lipstick S)


Chifure is a Japanese cosmetics company devoted to producing simple and affordable skincare and makeup. All skincare products are free of dyes and fragrances and ingredients are kept to a minimum to prevent possible skin irritation. Although the brand has been around since 1968 and can be found in drugstores across Japan, Chifure is rarely talked about. Perhaps its lack of advertising and innovative design is why most seem to ignore the brand. Chifure's packaging is very understated. Shades are somewhat plain. And its very low prices may cause potential customers to think that its products are of poor quality. But Chifure should not be overlooked as I recently found out after trying the brand's Lipstick S.


Chifure's Lipstick S is sold separately from their lipstick cases and the brand offers four different cases for the lipstick. The one above is the metal case in sliver. The individual lipsticks do come with a cap so a separate case is not necessary but a good idea if you are worried that the cap may come off. Lipstick S is very pigmented. When applied, the lipstick shades look very close to how they appear in their packages but seem even more beautiful on the lips. Both 245 and 371 contain super fine sparkles but still look matte with a very slight sheen. 345 (purple pearl-base) is a very chic, hot Japanese pink, fashion-forward color. 578 (red -based) is a stunning, deep blue-red that looks great with any skin tone. It is most definitely not appropriate for work but it an amazing shade that will turn heads. 371 (purple pearl-base) is a pink-purple shade that is possibly the most subtle of the three shades (which are not very subtle) but still beautiful. Lipstick S is smooth and moisturizing on application but does tend to dry out and wear off. I highly recommend wearing a clear gloss or balm after applying the lipstick to improve its staying power. I have never thought of Chifure as a trendy cosmetics brand but I am very impressed with the pigmentation and color choices of their lipsticks. Only 315 yen including tax.

Monday, 6 April 2009

Bourjois Paris Mini Bourjois Collection


Bourjois is currently selling pocket-size makeup as part of their "Mini Bourjois" collection. I am not a fan of the Bourjois brand as I am not too crazy about the quality of their makeup but the minis were just too cute to pass up. The prices are also very affordable and if you are interested in testing out some of Bourjois products, the minis are an inexpensive way to try some of their makeup.

日本のミニブルジョワネイルエナメルでは30色以上もあります。私はTechno Bar in Tokyoの42、スパーキーパープルのネールカラーを買いました。まだ試していませんが、もっと詳しいレビューを書く時に写真もブログに載せます。容器はとても可愛いです。

Mini Bourjois nail enamel collection offers over 30 shades. I purchased Techno Bar in Tokyo in 42 which is a sparkly purple polish. I have not had a chance to try it out but I will post a more detailed review with pictures when I do. The mini bottle is super cute.


I actually selected a metallic silver eyeshadow but ended up with the Blush Creme in 05 Gold Pink by mistake. The blush is cream-based and more of a light peachy-orange than pink shade that blends very well into the skin and produces a subtle, shiny glow.


The mini eyeliner in 44 Black and Moss Green is a very dark green, metallic liner that glides on smoothly and requires very little pressure to apply it to the lid. From afar, it can look like a dark grey or black liner but up close, it is a beautiful, shiny moss green. This is definitely something for a night look and not so appropriate for the office. I am impressed with just how easily the liner applies.


The Dose de Nacres in 15 is a dark forest green eyeshadow powder that applies thin. You will need your own makeup tools to use this product. Although the powder is pretty well pigmented, I was the least impressed with this product out of the whole collection. The powder is not as fine as the more upscale brands and gets everywhere. The mini eyeshadow Eye Dressing may make a better eye makeup choice.


The Effet 3D Moblie in 16 is a super glossy lip gloss that has a faint blue-sheen. It will make your lips look plump and very juicy. It can be worn over another lip color although I think it looks best on nude lips. One of the great things about this product is that it is not sticky at all. You can also attach it to your cellphone as it comes with a mobile strap. The lip gloss in 16 also contains menthol so it has a fresh minty scent and natural cooling effect.


All and all, the Mini Bourjois collection is super cute and affordable. The quality is quite good considering the low prices, although I do not care for the Dose de Nacres eyeshadow. Minis can make great little gifts, too. I hope Bourjois will continue to release new products for their Mini collection. (It should be noted that the collection may vary by country and it seems that the Japanese Bourjois contains many additional products which you can see on the main Japanese Bourjois site but are not listed on the Japanese Mini Bourjois site.)

Friday, 3 April 2009

L'Occitane Cherry Blossom Petit Collection


チェリーブロッサム ソフトハンドクリーム
チェリーブロッサム シマーリングボディミルク
チェリーブロッサム シャワージェル
チェリーブロッサム ソリッドパフュームが入っています。

For White Day, I received L'Occitane's Cherry Blossom Petit Collection, a set of travel-size skincare products from L'Occitane's new Cherry Blossom line. This is a particularly appropriate gift for spring now that the cherry blossoms are beginning to bloom. The Petit Collection includes:

Cherry Blossom Hand Cream
Cherry Blossom Shimmering Lotion
Cherry Blossom Bath & Shower Gel
Cherry Blossom Solid Perfume

チェリーブロッサム商品のフレグランスはとても桜っぽいですが、もっと甘い香りで、たまに桜にある特有の木の香りは全くないです。完全にフェミニンな匂いなので人によっては甘過ぎるかも知れません。でも香りはそれほど強くもないしソリッドパフュームもそこまで強l過ぎないです。ソフトハンドクリームはいつもの滑らかなロクシタンのシアバターハンドクリームとそんなに変わりませんが、もう少し薄くて油っぽくなく、そして桜の香りが付いています。シャワージェルは優しくてマイルドなボディーソープ。シャワーから出るととても甘い桜の香りがします。セットの中で一番好きな商品はシマーリングボディミルクで、細かい白いキラキラが入っていて綺麗に輝きます。 チェリーブロッサムプティコレクションはもう売っていませんが、個々の商品はロクシタンのブティックやオンラインストアから手に入れることができます。セットの中からお土産にする商品を選ぶとしたらシマーリングボディミルクとソフトハンドクリームを選びます。

The fragrance of the products smells very much like cherry blossoms in full-bloom but sweeter and without the light woody musk scent that the blossoms can sometimes have. It is most definitely a feminine scent and some may find it too sweet. However, the fragrance is not overbearing and even the solid perfume is not that powerful. The hand cream is typical of L'Occitane's very moisturizing shea butter hand creams but thinner, less greasy, and of course has the blossom scent. The shower gel is a very gentle, mild body soap that leaves you smelling like sweet cherry blossoms. My most favourite product is the Shimmering Lotion which contains small white sparkles with a beautiful shimmer. The gift set is no longer available for purchase but the individual products can be found at all L'Occitane boutiques and online stores. If I were to choose one or two products out the collection to give to a friend, I would go with the shimmering lotion and the hand cream.

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Shiseido Revital Granas Foundation Watery


Revital Granas is a fairly new skincare and base makeup line by Shiseido, targeting Japanese women in their 30s looking to maintain their youth and beauty as they age. For Spring, Revital Granas has released a liquid foundation, powder foundation, makeup base and highlighter for the perfect glow. A sample of the Foundation Watery (PF) in OC02 was included in the 2009 May issue of Voce.


Foundation Watery is SPF 19 and PA++. Unlike many other liquid foundations, Revital Granas' foundation comes with a sponge for application. Like it's name, the foundation is "watery" and thin. This makes it extremely light and easy to smooth across the skin. Very little product is required to cover the face so a single bottle of the foundation is likely to last you a long time. It also holds up against sweat and hides pores without clogging. Foundation Watery provides medium-light, matte coverage and like Maquiliquide UV Infinité, dries as a powder foundation. Although I did not experience any flaking, the foundation did dry my cheeks ever so slightly and began to disappear after a while. It also had a very powdery appearance that made it look somewhat unnatural. OC02 has a yellow-orange base and is lighter than Maquillage, Lunasol, and Lancôme's OC02 shades. I'm not sure that this is a product I would recommend but it is much lighter and less drying than most liquid foundations I have tried. Its thin texture is particularly suited for spring and summer weather. 6090 Yen (including tax).

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Lancôme Maquiliquide UV Infinité

今月の13日にランコムがアジア限定の新しいファンデーション、マキリキッドUVアンフィニテを発売しました。ファンデーションはSPF 20でPA++無添加と水分40%です。色はPO (ピンクオークル)015、O (オークル)03と0-04、そしてBO (ベージュオークル)015、B0-01と B0-02。 B0-01のサンプルを貰いました。

On the 13th of this month, Lancôme released a new foundation, Maquiliquide UV Infinité, for their Asian market. It is SPF 20, PA++, fragrance-free and 40% moisture. The foundation comes in PO (Pink Ochre) 015, O (Ochre) 03 and 0-04, and BO (Beige Ochre) 015, B0-01, and B0-02. I received a sample of the foundation in BO-01.


The shade and yellow-base of Maquiliquide UV Infinité's BO-01 is quite close to Lunasol's OC01 Cream Foundation but just a hair darker. Though Lancôme's shades are usually on the lighter side, it seems their Asia-exclusive foundation shades have been tailored to the local market. If you are pale or very dark-skinned, you probably will not be able to find a shade that matches your skin. The foundation itself is smooth and applies easily. For those familiar with the Maquiliquide UV Perfect Forever foundation (which has be discontinued, I think), it is thicker and less runny. Despite being a liquid foundation, Maquiliquide UV Infinité dries as a powder foundation and surprisingly, did not dry out my skin or flake at all. It felt light but still provided a very good amount of coverage. Unfortunately, the foundation also did not blend into my skin and looked quite unnatural. When I washed it off, tiny red spots suddenly appeared all across my face and itched and hurt quite bad. I was allergic to something in the formula but I am not sure what caused the reaction. It's interesting because I have tried and own many Lancôme products and something like this has never happened to me before. I cannot recommend Maquiliquide UV Infinité but Lancôme offers many other foundations and one is bound to satisfy.
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